1) Kitchen – Do you cook? Put your spices lower. Emphasizes
squatting. Muscles worked = glutes, quads, hamstrings. Skilled worked =
isometric holding and weight shifting as you reach to find favorite spices.
2) Bedroom – Do you like TV? Cool. Take it out of the room
for the time being. See how your behavior adjusts. You will have to walk to see
it now instead of rolling over and clicking the remote. Emphasizes good sleep
patterns. Muscles worked = all. Skill worked = discipline. Yes, it’s a skill.
3) Bathroom – You do wash your hands after using the
bathroom right? OK, phew! Place a paper towel roll drying rack on the floor.
Similar to the spice rack, re-organization and squatting are emphasized.
Muscles worked = glutes, quads, hamstrings. Skilled worked = movement control
depending on where the rack is located.
* For all of these
keep in mind safety and room design – not all rooms are identical.
With heart,
Derek Arledge, MS, CSCS www.teempt.com TEEM Performance Training