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Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year, Folks!

What a journey it was to meet 300 posts. It really was not easy. But, keeping a keen eye on the number 300 worked.

I saw 300.

I wanted 300.

I needed 300 to feel good about writing and sharing my expertise in health promotion, health & fitness, and human performance. It makes the beginning of 2023 more worthy.

You have seen a lot of words in this blog in 2022, so I do not have to write lot in this post. In 2022, I lost a little confidence...overall. Therefore, meeting this blog goal assisted with restoring some self-confidence that nothing can take away.

This restoration saw some personal blog post records, which had to be achieved in order to meet the 300 goal. The month of December recorded the most posts in a day (December 31st). The most posts in a week. The most posts in a month. So, 2022 is recorded as the most posts in a year on this particular blog site.

Throughout the year, I had so many notes on topics to write about that I probably left some topics on the table. Maybe they will show up in 2023. In 2023, do not expect 300 posts on this platform. But, more themes will arrive on the scene.

Hopefully, for any of the few people who have read posts...LOL...you learned something. 

Let me sign off by saying that I pray that the Lord blesses you and your family immensely. That your friends see the light in you. That everyone sees how you are blessed. Amen!


Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

Complementary & Complimenting Sports

Sports emulate each other.

The more you play one sport, the more you will improve in another sport. Typically, your individual sports serve as complementary sports to other ones. Sports such as tennis, track, cross country, skiing, speedskating, and others complemen - they develop your muscles as you see the movement efficiency in team sports - your skills.

All sports complement your athletic skills in some manner. Check out team sport relationships like fùtbol and ice hockey. The lower body movements in kicking and directing change in fùtbol is similar to the mechanics of skating in ice hockey. 

If you play handball and volleyball, both team sports, you may see the jumping and coordination similarities with basketball. 

Pleed for Multiple Sports. I had a brief conversation yesterday about the need for young athletes to play different sports in order to develop overall athletic skills. However, no matter the data on the subject or the vast number of college and pro athletes who played multiple sports and still flourished, many young athletes concentrate on one sport. 

In their defense, organizations set up their season, making it difficult for players to play another sport. It shows a disregard for athleticism. An impatient regard as another way to put it.

Complement your athleticism. It makes everyone better.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

10 Items: Top 10 Cereals

What do you think about this top 10 cereal list?

My inspiration: a current shopping trip. 

Granola was not included because I wanted to only include regular cereals. But, granola would be #2.

10) Life 

9) Bran Flakes

8) Rice Krispies

7) Shredded Wheat

6) Cinnamon Toast Crunch

5) Golden Grahams

4) Honey Bunches of Oats

3) Cheerios (both)

2) Raisin Bran

1) Oatmeal

But, you have to drop kiddy cereals if you're an adult. Well, limit them.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

The Ankle of It All

Do you treat your ankles well?

If not, then what are you waiting for?

When you think of good ankles, you may think of skiers, figure skaters, ice hockey players, gymnasts, parkour, and other sports that require solid ankle mobility and stability..

Now, what about the following athletes:

1) Barry Sanders. His agility, speed, and awareness defied normal football skills as a player for the Detroit Lions.

2) Ja Morant. Part of the new breed. His speed and explosiveness on the basketball courtnfor the Memphis Grizzlies.

3) LeBron James. The man has superb power when he jumps off the basketball court. He's shown it his entire career with the Cavaliers, Heat, and Lakers.

4) Connor McDavid. As if Edmonton did not have a brilliant player in its storied history. The Oilers have had plenty of sensational players. McDavid moves easily around players, up and down the ice. 

All of these athletes and others entertain the masses. What you do not think about is their ankle efficiency. To perform the skills these athletes do, it takes healthy ankles, the mobility shifter. The knee is the mobility supporter. The hips are the mobility powerhouse.

Sanders is retired, but you have the latter three and plenty of other athletes to watch and from whom to learn.

How are your ankles?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

A Journey Map For You

(Originally drafted in August 2022)

You see this map?

That is a screenshot I took on my laptop at 6:00am on a weekday during the height of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. 

I could not believe my eyes!

The big cities would normally have yellows and maybe reds, indicating slower traffic and very slow traffic at this time. However, everyone was indoors. Remote work catapulted. The unfortunate result: Many individuals lost their jobs. In fact, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Current Employment Statistics (CES) survey, nonfarm payroll employment in the United States declined by 9.4 million in 2020, the largest calendar-year decline in the history of the CES employment series.

Changed times.

But, we still need journey maps to reach answers, and the past two years and more have fit the need to guide individuals. Below, you will find some journey maps, according to four different performance scenarios:

To get better at ice hockey...

Public skate >>> Stick N Puck >>> ODR/Pond Hockey >>> Pick-up Hockey >>> Private Sessions >>> Watch Videos >>> In-Home Practice >>> Play >>> Free Play >>> Repetition

Wedding Prep...

Relax >>> Communicate >>> Plan >>> Don't Panic >>> Watch Comedy >>> Pray

Holiday season is coming...

Relax >>> Plan >>> Organize >>> Save >>> Serve >>> Have Fun

First time in a sports...

Research the sport >>> Watch Videos >>> Attend games >>> Watch Games >>> Play the Game >>> Free Play the Game >>> Practice >>> Improve.

Let's go more in depth with this topic in 2023.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Much Success to You!

Since starting this blog, I have changed the sign off several times. I know you wrestle with your sign-offs: Best... Regards... Yours Truly... Sincerely... Love... Thanks...

The wrestling is fine lol. 

But, I did not add, Much success to you, until August of this year because the sign-off needed a change that would benefit you after reading a short post.

August is also the anniversary month of TEEM, so it made sense to make the sign-off change in that month and around that month. 

Much success to you is easy to understand. I hope that you, in general, have much success in the things you have to get done for the day, for the week, for the month, and throughout the year. I also hope you have much success in the execution of a blog post message. Perhaps, it calls you to try a challenge or to do an exercise.

Into 2023. Will the moniker carry into 2023, I think so. I'm keeping it. It has only been used for five months, so why not?

Luck. An important reason for picking, Much success to you, occurred because I use it in normal conversation to have a stronger meaning than, good luck. Good luck has a tone of...Well, give it a try and who cares if you make it and who cares if you don't. You had the luck.

You probably may not see luck in that manner, but I rarely to never say it lol.

So, as 2022 comes to an end...

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Outdoor Training Essence

I grew up with a love of the outdoors. The Summertime, recess, after school program, and neighborhood play accentuated my thirst for the outdoors. 

Guess what? The fervor continues to reign.

Outdoor training is an adventure. Some love it. Some dislike it. It is a 24-7, 365-day (366 during leap years) process. How often do you do it?

Speaking on outdoor terms, it is possible to only train strength & conditioning outdoors and improve your skills in a sport. You can train for a race by only practicing outdoors. You can improve your overall athleticism with outdoor training.

It's not for everyone just like CrossFit is not for everyone. Outdoor training is another good form of working out. Period.

Right now, I have a determined adolescent athlete who does not mind training year-round. That is, in the heat, in the cold, in the wind, and in the rain. Snow has not happened yet, but a training session will happen then as well.

Outdoor training is a mindset. It is a form of training that you want to do. Lines? There are none. Space? Plenty. An audience? Most likely. Noise? Natural outdoor noise and artificial noise from speakers. But, who cares? You're outdoors!

In 2023, I would like for you to know that you do not have to lock yourself in for indoor training, which is good too and has different types - in-home, in-gym, in-locker room, and in-office.

Step into the knowledge and experience that you can possess with outdoor training. Do not limit yourself.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

👎👍Keeping Tabs

I'm dishing out all of the drafts that had information on it as I fight to achieve my 2022 goal of 300 posts. 

Is it entertaining?

Here is a topic that has been brewing for a while:

Keeping tabs may have a negative effect on your human performance.

You do favors for others out of the grace of your heart. Other individuals may ask you to do them a favor, which can include a brief errand run, purchasing an item at the same store in which you shop, grabbing ice from the freezer, grilling a burger, pick up from the airport, buying a present, or writing a message. 

All plain and simple.

You might keep tabs with yourself, and you keep a record of your personal tabs.

I will mention this tab review: Avoid the tab purse if it destroys good relatonships because it has a tendency to hurt progress. 

A tab refers to the past. So, if you keep a tab on someone, then you tally up past deeds. That's not fair to someone else.

Does everything have to be 50-50?...Tit-for-tat?...I do or get, then you do or get?

Not all of the time.

Awareness is good, but constant tabs are for paragraph makers.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

The Ingredient Knowledge

Nutrition and food are always an interesting topic because they always change. Well, they don't really change a lot - meat is meat, vegetables are vegetables, fruit is fruit, and so on. 


Folks continue to need assistance with the foods they eat. Understandably so. Some of the information confuses people. So, ask yourself:

1) Do you know how to read ingredients?

2) Do you consume and cook the right ingredients?

Here's a third and figurative question:

3) What ingredients do you need for your daily lifestyle?

Let's return to food:

You should know the effects or awareness of the following ingredients and content...

% fiber

Saturated fat content

Sugar grams

Protein grams

Serving size

Vitamins - because you may think an item satisfies a particular vitamin, when, in fact, it does not.

100% wheat flour/Non-enriched flour

100% juice

Questions to ask yourself:

Where does most of the sugar come from? Sometimes, other fruit ingredients.

Is it artificial flavoring? Maybe.

If the item is low in fat or no fat and low or no sugar, then what's that taste? Sweetener.

How is this food item sweet but has no sugar? It's third partner arises: cholesterol.

What are all of these chemistry class looking ingredients? Have to Google this one because there are some interesting ones.

As far as cooking is concerned, I am not Chef D; but I do dabble in mixing foods and juices from foods to make good flavors. Of course, I use my many seasonings.

As far as daily ingredients, the figurative standpoint, the good ingredients - exercise, prayer, sleep, and more - that you put into daily life can give you solid results. Bad ingredients - drugs, smoking, alcohol, unhealthy foods, and more - give you poorer results.

What ingredients do you follow closely?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Planking Athlete

(See 10 Planking People)

In athletics, you will find plenty of positions in which athletes hold a position. So, in truth, this list is endless but for now only six-deep. Yup, you guessed it...it needs a part 2. So, here is an introduction:

1) Hockey Ready Stance - lean forward slightly

2) Acceleration Forward - slight lean forward

3) Dribble Single-Arm 4-Point Stance - football defensive end meets basketball player.

4) Side Plank Ball Toss - handball meets water polo, baseball, rugby, volleyball, and basketball.

5) Side Plank Ball Bounce - handball and basketball have a party.

6) Side Plank Stick Handle - lacrosse, ice hockey, roller hockey, bandy and field hockey have a meet-up.

Get out your regular plank positions and feed your muscles and joints more stability.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

10 Planking People

You can use a plank, which is a stable body hold, before, during, and after workouts. The plank is an exercise of stabilization and not one of punishment. So, you can use a plank in any body position. You are probably use to seeing planks performed full body in a push-up type or side position like most of the ones below. However, you can have fun with your body and hold it in various positions. (See Planking Athlete)

Check out these athletic and functional plank positions:

1) Straight-Arm Plank 

2) Elbow/Forearm Plank 

3) Side Plank-Up

4) Weight Shift Plank

5) Wide-Leg Plank

6) Wide-Arm Plank

7) Reverse Plank 

8) Uneven Plank

9) Plank Taps

10) Lateral Plank Walk

Change up the surfaces for a better workout, results, higher difficulty, functionality depending on sport or activity and the level of the sport or activity.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Inclement Weather: In-Home Floor Core Workout

It's not only about reps with your abs and back. Use your walls, stairs, and banisters to target your center of coordination, which is your core. 

All 6 exercises are guided by the following deets:

6 sets | 10 to 60 seconds | Tempo, if needed = 2-2-2. That is, 2-second lift or lower -- 2-second pause -- 2-second return to start | Rest intervals between sets = 20 to 60 seconds | Rest intervals between exercises = 0 to 30 seconds


1) Single Leg Step Hold - Use the bottom step. If needed, lean over and barely touch a higher step for balance or balance with one finger on your banister. 

2) Ball Single Leg Chop - You can use both legs too. Use any type of ball, but your best ones will be a medicine ball because of the weight or a basketball because you can add a few bounces on the leg you stand on.

3) Plank Foot Walk/Hand Walk - Split the seconds in half. If you pick 10 seconds, do 5 seconds of a foot walk and 5 seconds of a hand walk.

4) Stair Bridge March - Your stairs are versatile. 

5) Supine Leg Circles -  Hold one leg out while the other rotates in a circle to work unilaterally. Well, one side holds while the other moves.

If not a flat tummy, then a strong one.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Best Places in Boston To Do...

(This post began on December 24, 2014 as Best Places in Boston to Do...)

Let's start with the short Boston list since it was the original post topic:

Plyometrics - Harvard Stadium Stairs

Hill Runs - Beacon Hill, Somerville, Brookline, Charlestown

Interval Runs - Charles River with all of its trees for markers

Family Bicycling - Minuteman Trail

Outdoor Public "Track Meet" - Danehy Park in Cambridge and South Boston

Your area has good places too per similar categories

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🎆So, What's Up in 2023?

Will you continue with the same quips? 

I need to get in shape...

I need to eat right...

I need to go to the doctor...

I need to sleep better...

I need to take a vacation...

I need to go to church...

I need a raise...

I need more money...

I need to get there...

I need to stop worring...

I need to go see him...

I need to go see her...

I need to stop eating so much...

I need to make a dentist appointment...

I need to write my book...

I need to paint my wall...

I need to go to the beach...

I need to check on my family...

I need to call my friend...

I need...that's a lot of sewing. Did that joke fly over?

But really, what changes do you not have to worry about because you have a handle on them?

You may go into 2023 with these and other I needs on your agenda. Fine and dandy. Get to the checklist.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Inclement Weather: In-Home Agility & Cardio Workout

Let's say you do not have any cardio equipment, cones, or other exercise toys. If you do, you can use them. Exercises 1 to 3 folow the position of the photo. From this point, it's all about changing your cadence. Check out these exercises:

1) Manual Stairclimber 

2) Manual Jacob's Ladder

3) Manual Stair Quick Feet

4) Touch Points - touching different items in a room (e.g., banister, wall, chair, desk, toy, ceiling). Add something high to incorporate jumping. Add something low such as the floor to incorporate squatting or lunging.

5) Stair Ups - fast up, slow down the stairs.

6) Freestyle Jump - jump in any direction or 8n place.

7) Freestyle Run - run in any direction or in place.

You have to try these out because you do not need to spend thousands of dollars on cardio equipment. You can spend that amount, but don't say that you can only do cardio or agility exercises with equipment.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

5+ Uphill SE DC Gems

Southeast DC is an incline haven. A hill gem.

So what? 

So, that means the terrain by itself assists heart health. You can run, bike, or walk the numerous hills in Southeast (mainly east of the Potomac River) treat your body well. The photos below only capture a few roads - their adjacent roads are hilly as well. Roads such as Pennsylvania Avenue are busiest.

Ely Pl SE and E St as you cross Ridge Rd (on the way to Fort Dupont Ice Arena and the Washington Nationals Baseball Academy) 

Ridge Rd 

44th Pl SE (top of hill start off Bowen Rd SE)

Pennsylvania Ave SE (off Minnesota Avenue)

Southern Ave/Suitland Rd SE (be careful of the speed camera)

Will you try them out?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Inclement Weather: In-Home Lower Body Workout

Let's try this lower body sequence in the same fashion as the upper body on. All exercises have easy names. The holds and agility/power pick 3 emphasizes more power exercises

Holds = 30 seconds | Power = 10 to 30 seconds | Strength = 8 to 12 reps | Isoation = 12 reps

Holds (Pick 3):

  • Wall Sit
  • Lateral Lunge Wall Sit
  • Single Leg Wall Sit
  • Lunge Wall Sit
  • Single Leg Squat Hold
  • Bulgarian Squat Hold
  • Heel Raise Hold
  • Toe Raise Hold
  • Lunge Hold
  • Squat Hold
  • Lateral Lunge Hold

Agility/Power (Pick 3):

  • Stationary Power Jumps
  • Forward Power Jumps
  • Singe Leg Power Jumps
  • Lateral Jumps
  • Single Leg Hops
  • Power Clean
  • Hang Clean
  • Clean & Jerk
  • Slow Squat to Jump
  • Split Squat or Scissor Switch Jumps
  • Forward Single Leg Hops

Strong Through/Range of Motion (Pick 2):

  • Leg Press
  • Front Squats
  • Back Squats
  • Forward Lunges
  • Backward Lunges
  • Lateral Lunges
  • Transverse Lunges
  • Cross-Under Lunges
  • Speed-Skater Lunges
  • Stride Lunges Forward
  • Stride Lunges Backward

Isolation (Pick 2):

  • Calf/Heel Raise
  • Toe Raise
  • Hamstring Curl - prone or standing
  • Leg Extension - seated or band
  • Seated hip Abduction/Adduction 
  • Supine Hip Abduction/Adduction

Use DBs, Bands, KBs, BBs
Do you like this sequence breakdown?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Inclement Weather: In-Home Upper Body Workout

Let's try this upper body sequence in a different way. Al exercises have easy names. The agility/power pick 3 emphasizes more power exercises.

Holds = 30 seconds | Power = 10 to 30 seconds | Strength = 8 to 12 reps | Isoation = 12 reps

Holds (Pick 2): 

  • Double Arm Push-up Hold
  • Single Arm Push-up Hold 
  • Handstand
  • Incline or Decline Push-up Hold
  • Inverted Row Hold
  • Pull-up Hold
  • Overhead Press Hold
  • DB/KB Chest Press Hold
  • Landmine Hold

Agility/Power (Pick 3):

  • Decline or Incline Plyo Push-up
  • Plyo Pull-ups
  • Plyo Push-up
  • Seater Plyo Chest Press
  • Seated Plyo Rows 
  • Weighted Boxing

Strength (Pick 2):

  • Seater or Standing Chest Press
  • Seated or Standing Overhead Press
  • Inverted Rows
  • Landmines
  • Weighted or Unweighted Pull-ups
  • Weighted or Unweighted Push-ups

Isolation (Pick 2):

  • Biceps Curl
  • Shoulder Front Raise
  • Shoulder Lateral Raise
  • Shoulder Y-Raise
  • Triceps Kickback
  • Triceps Press
  • Triceps Pull-Down 
  • Wrist/Forearm Curls
  • Wrist Roll-up
Use BBs, DBs, KBs, Cables, Body Bars, etc.

Nah, you're not allowed to have weak arms.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

10 Items: 10 Best Family Fun Outings

In random order, see below ten of the best family fun activities that you like to do. Anyone can have fun with them:

Bowling - (See Bowling Confidence) - Get everyone out for this fun activity.

Archery - I have shot an arrow, but I have never shot a nerve one at an archery park, which is the activity here.

Miniature Golf - It's always been fun.

Trampoline Park - The new fun activity with plenty of more fun once you get indoors.

Axe Throwing - I have not tried it yet, but everything points to fun.

Ice Skating/Roller Skating - Always fun, and it feels good to bring your own skates.

High Ropes Course/Adventure Climbing - no need to get too crazy, but head to a course and zip line everywhere.

Driving Range - make sure there are other things to do because you may only wish to hit a certain number of golf balls.

Curling - this is solid fun.

Skiing/XC Skiing - if you live near a resort or cross country ski location.

Do you have any other activities? Which ones do you like to or hope to do?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

Bowling For Confidence

My bowling average is 121.

Do the math on my three games in one from this week:

Game #1: 95 - the first time I finished under 100 in a very long time. I just had a bad game lol.

Game #2: 138 - back at it!

Game #3: 130 - OK, phew!

138 + 130 + 95 = 363 pins

363 pins / 3 games = 121 pin average.

Landed the average on the dot! I did miss a chance to perform above my average but look at the comeback - I dodged a below average showing lol.


My wife...she kept increasing her total pins and high score throughout the night as well. Proud of her. She has a very good attitude and knows how to have fun.

Mindset Shift. My personal goal of never scoring below 100 ended after, at least, a 25+ year run. But, the current average stayed the same, which meant I had attack game #2 a little differently. The fun was had the entire time, but the mind shift had to work.

Your come from behind story has a shift. A needed shift.

You know this post causes for a family activity lists even if I or if you have never experienced the activity. Bowling, honestly, is a great activity for anyone - low impact and bona fide fun for anyone in your group!

Will you include bowling in your fun activities for 2023?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Lower Body Workouts: 4 No-Hands

I find inspiration for many posts while looking at life happen in front if me. For this one, I saw my daughter perform weight shift lateral lunges and thought, Eureka! That's a post. Lol.

So, before I share a few exercises, taking your upper body motion out of lower body movements will cause you to recruit more control in your hips. If you control your hips, you control the movement better. So, at times it is good to perform exercises without excessive upper body movement. A big example, run with your arms stretched out and your hands clasped versus normal arm swing running.

Now, other no-hand lower body exercises:

1) Lateral Lunges. You will need good hip control. Typically with this exercise, your upper body is active as it counter balances. Take out the upper body portion by crossing your arms over your chest or by clasping your hands together as they rest on your stomach.

2) Single Leg Bridges. Crossing your arms over your chest or folding your your arms are best.

3) Sprints. As in the example above, hold your arms out or cross them over your chest. It will feel different.

4) Duck Walks. Either put your hands behind your head or cross your arms...over your chest.

Form is key in the execution of these exercises. With active upper body mechanics, you get balance assistance. Without the extra help, you don't receive balance assistance. So, change back-and-forth between non-hands and hands.

Bonus No-Hands: Single Leg Deadlifts with or without a weight vest.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Friday, December 30, 2022

One More for Cava

Happy New Year, @CAVA! It was a good eating year. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

I don't have to say much with this post.

During the holidays, you probably have food traditions, right?

  • Cook certain foods at home
  • Delivery
  • Eat in at a restaurant
  • Pick-up
  • Eat at a party, friends, or family member's house
  • ...Costco sample day.

No matter your tradition, the last traditions for the year are on display this week. For my family and I, we enjoyed, for the 10th time in 2022...


Cava was our last meal outing of the year, but it is so good. (See Cava Yum). 

Have you tried it?

Does your city have it yet?

Plan on going to a CAVA in 2023.

Honestly, I finished my bowl...nah, I inhaled my bowl because I was hungry. My son made a good choice to go to the eatery.

When the children love CAVA, you feel good as a parent. I genuinely think they will pick CAVA over any other eatery.

I'm fine with that.

Last thing...CAVA has the best fresh drinks. They're not too sugary and have the best lemonade. Truly...the best lemonade.

Your good choice is around the corner.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

2023: What's in Store?

Do you write out your physical goals that you would like to achieve in the new year?

Only the physical ones for this list.

It may take all year to achieve them, but at least you can work at them for 365 days. The goals may change too within the year, which is a sign of progress because it shows your activity level and path.

So, here's my shortlist for 2023:

Run at least one 5k - regular or neighborhood 
Run a 10k - regular or neighborhood 
Run a grassy course
Bike a few trails 
Play roller hockey at least 10x
Play ice hockey or skate at least 20x (in addition to coaching)
Play at least one game of Handball
Hit the driving range at least 1x

Good list so far right?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Upper Body Push-up Tri-Set

The tri-set is a great asset to have in an in-home training program. So, when you don't want to leave your house but still wish to get in a workout, you can look to certain tri-sets. Below is a push-up tri-set to enhance upper strength:

Incline Push-ups >>> Regular Push-ups >>> Decline Push-ups | Rest interval b/t push-ups = 0s to 10s | Rest interval between sets = 10s to 60s

Incline Push-ups (hands elevated) - Your hands can be placed on stairs, on a chair, or other elevated surface. Bust out 20 seconds of push-ups.

Regular Push-ups (hands and feet leveled) - Bust out 20 seconds of push-ups.

Decline Push-ups (feet elevated, hands on floor) - Again and last one, bust out 20 seconds of push-ups.

You can elevate your hands and feet on any surface. 

You pick a desired rep range, using numbers, time, or reaction. Reaction will use a voice, other sound, or light.

You can have fun with this sequence.

Meet your push-up goals!

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

December Battle

I entered December 2022 with 211 total blog posts on the year.

Where I fell short of the mark:

September 2022 - I wanted to have 200 posts by this time...that didn't work

October 2022 - when earlier number efforts fell through, I wanted to have 190 posts by the end of October...that didn't work either.

November 2022 - I knew it had to be a big month, and it was a big one. At some point, I thought I could get 60 posts in November to set a monthly record. Instead, I set a record with 45 posts. A strong last day of November saw nine posts...bap, bap, bap!

Entering November, I knew that month and December would have to be record breakers with December serving as the record holder for posts in a month. The key elements: consistency and starting off strong. Very strong. 

I was not afraid to calculate the average number of posts per day for December, which reached about three per day. I knew that the more posts over the average would knock down the average per day.

I needed that goal and sight.

December has been that type of month.

What number posts is this one? Am I done? Did I reach no. 300 yet?

Happy New Year!

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

Body Image: Discipline

(See Body Image: Showtime)

The body image topic can travel in several directions, but I will reflect off the Showtime post and speak on discipline. Discipline, in general, gets attacked. A disciplined body should not be attacked. 

Why would you have disappointment over good body discipline, especially someone else's discipline?

You don't have to be a bodybuilder or model. But, it is important for you to show some sort of discipline with your body. Yes, someone else is looking at you for inspiration. So, if you have the physical discipline to look like you're winning, then you will influence others to win.

Win what? What if I am not playing a game?

Does it always have to be about you? You can have self-discipline that shines for others to see without giving off arrogance. Look, people love a healthy body. They want to know your secrets and plans to success because your path is one of influence.

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own - 1 Corinthians 6:19

How would you rate the discipline you show with your body?

Much success to you |Derek |@teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Love to Fight Off Regret

By now, you understand that this blog talks about everything. All of the topics relate to your overall health. However, you may read a rare rogue topic...just cause.

Or, not.

It's difficult to not stray from talking about overall health.

So, what in the world is this love topic about? I wanted to dive into another aspect of love that entered my mind: We love in order to put a wall against regret.

Let me briefly explain:

You never know when a loved one, friend, co-worker, acquaintance, or stranger will leave this earth. Simple acts of love throughout life fight off regret because it leaves a memory. You don't have to tell yourself:

Oh, I was just gonna call...

I was thinking about doing an activity...

I meant to text or write a letter...

I had planned on visiting...

By the way, my inspiration for this post stirred from watching a father and son walk from a barbershop to a honey bun cake factory. I thought about their valued time together.

Love supercedes uncertainty and regret. Love fights through thin and thick barriers. Love creates space and valued time. Love cherishes experiences and good stories. 

You have heard the song lyrics...what the world needs now is love sweet love by Jackie DeShannon. It's a fact that travels further than physical touch. You need lasting good memories, and love honors them. 

You don't have to tell everyone that you love them. You can show it through little actions. 

For a stranger: holding open a heavy door for a senior citizen

For a co-worker: genuinely supporting their presentation and noting improvements.

For a friend: picking them up from the airport.

For family: Rescuing them in Fast & Furious. OK, really, all of the above.

What do you have to do with love?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

10 Items: Best Gym Views

Not a gym view

When you buy or rent a residence, you look at the view, right? You may not think about the view from a gym; however, if you use your home as a gym or if your condo or apartment building has a gym on one of the bottom levels, then you might care about the gym view. 

Views energize you. They push you along because they stimulate. Depending on the scenery out side your gym, it may encourage you to go farther and finish out sets better. The stimuli is real, and here are the top 10:

10) Landscape - Flowers, crisp and cut grass, hedgework. You might see this in a community center.

9)  Farm - I have never seen it, but cows, goats, and farm work might entertain.

8)  Business District - plenty of action but you will probably be at your job's gym.

7) Skyline/High Rise/Skyscraper - a gym from across the river or higher up than other buildings. You get sunrise and sunset views.

6) Mountains/Canyons - the west is beautiful, so you may see this scene out west or in another country

5) Traffic/Busy - Very popular. Downtown, uptown, suburban, and with a lot of action. 

4) Woods - draw the motivation from the action of the woods.

3) Athletic Field/Open Field - other people playing may benefit your workout.

2) Water - Water is powerful and attracts many things. So, check it out.

1) Beach - Yes! You have people, boats, ships, jet skis, boardwalks, and more to see. Well, that's if you are near that type of beach.

Others to consider: parking lot, neighborhood, college quad/regular quad area.

What are your favorite views?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

10 Items: Challenges You Can Do

See what you think of these challenges:

1) Using the bathroom without your phone. Leave it on the other side.

2) Using the bathroom with or without a book or magazine. One of the best reading places is the bathroom. So, just think.

3) Work out without music. If you do not like to listen to yourself breathe, which I think provides motivation, then this challenge will be difficult. Otherwise, get going and get done.

4) Take one winter cold shower. The summertime is easier. 

5) Call don't text. Too many individuals only text. Call because texts do not cut it. When done appropriately texts are effective. But, texting can reveal itself as lazy communication.

6) Learn the same five words in five different languages. Good, bon, bueno, bom, bun. But, you can pick any five.

7) Take a winter hike. Bundle up, pick a route, don't get lost in the cold.

8) Make a healthy meal for under $25 for a family of four. If you only have 1 to 3 in the house, then make it as if you have four.

9) Say...Thank you...10x in one day. Keep it real.

10) Say...Good morning...to 10 individuals in one day. If you have a Zoom meeting, good morning to the group counts as one greeting. 

Try some now rather than later.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

2023 Revisited: Can You Rank Your Health Categories

  How did you do in each category, so far, in 2022? You can still make changes. From a January 28, 2022 post:

In alphabetical order:

  1. Character/Personality
  2. Financial
  3. Intellectual
  4. Nutritional 
  5. Physical 
  6. Social
  7. Spiritual 
How do you rank these seven health aspects based on the following:
  • The health aspects you would like to improve on in 2022 and overall.
  • The health aspect in which you do well.
  • The health aspect that you would like to share with others.

Some questions to consider for the seven above:

Characteristically/Personality. How are you perceived by others? Funny. Do you treat yourself and others well? Yes, I really try not tell myself that I cannot do something. Are you relatable? Yes. Sometimes, you have to emulate.
Financial. How good is your money-making potential? I could use more confidence, here. How secure are your finances? OK? Do you live below or above your means? I have kids.
Intellectual. How often do you exercise your mind? I read four books this year to satisfy my leisure reading, and took notes on all of them. Boom! What do you learn? A lot.
Nutritional. Is your body fed junk most of the time? Nope. Do you eat clean, some, most, or all of the time? Most. Do you feed others good food?Yes. Even when we have company. Look, my family even introduced Cava in 2022 to a friend of ours.
Physical. Working out, avoiding physical abuse. I did work and still do. Not at all. No physical abuse.
Social. Do you have healthy social relationships or do they drain you? Healthy. Though, I would say the number of people I associate with has diminshed over the years lol.
Spiritual. Everyone has some sort of faith - you believe that you will accomplish a feat. You may believe in God, and you may not. So, do you need to work on this aspect? I have done a better job in the past. However, I do pray, attend church, and do works. It has been fun finding other church services when I cannot attend regular church time service because my son may have a Sunday a.m. game. Could I do more or improve the quality of my spirituality? Yes. 

What do you think? I think 2022 did what it had to do. Have to finish it out and enter 2023!

Much success to you | Derek |@teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

    Maccabee Pulls

    Yes, I have another inspiration for this post.

    (See Lefty, Righty, Correct?)

    So, I was training my client...

    Just this past week during Hannakuh and wished a happy holiday. Somehow, Maccabees came up between sets - oh, you know you can perform exercise while still having the ability to talk during breaks, right? - and just before cable pulls.

    The Maccabees and Hannakuh.

    By the way, if you celebrate Hannakuh, I hope you had a good eight nights!

    Maccabee Pulls. 

    If you know the story, what does that name mean to you? Maccabee Pulls are not a special kind of pulling exercise. The Maccabees were warriors in full revolt mode. I'm not Jewish, but when I hear the word warrior, in my opinion, I must work hard and get through the movement or exercise.

    See, hopefully, over these last eight nights, you or your friends and family who celebrate Hannakuh have realized the battles you went through during the year to get to this point in your life.

    This time of year is special. It's full of emotions both up and down. But, you get a chance to celebrate the past in the present and in anticipation of what the future holds.

    I get it - everyone does not share the same predicament. But, that's a Maccabee...pull, the fight for the celebration. You find it. You find the urge to fight and celebrate. Stand up for the good things you want or want to keep!

    Maccabee Pulls.

    Get through and celebrate.

    Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

    Movie Moving


    (See Christmas Movies.)

    This week provides a perfect opportunity to watch long awaited movies or to get out to the theater. But, let's say youare at home enjoying the movie screen. 

    What can you do?

    By the way, you can take this tidbit into any future moment and year.

    As far as your human performance, you can do any of the following:

    If you have ads during your movie...

    • Pick a rep range and three exercises - see how many sets you can complete.
    • Pick one exercise - see how many reps you can get in before the movie comes back on.
    • Pick a rep range and three exercises - perform a set of the exercises and hold some type of plank for the remainder of the ad.

    If you do not have ads during your movie...

    • If you take a very short break to get a snack, answer the door, or answer the phone and your break sees you going up or down the stairs, then run or skip those stairs. 
    • So, you're slower moving on stairs and cannot run them, do some fun coordination movements such as stop, walk, stop again. 
    • Or, bust out a dance move.

    If the movie continues without an ad or break...

    • You can always stretch while you watch the screen. Movies have a tendency to relax, so relax with a stretch at some point.

    Hey, it's a good week to experiment in these ways. Plus, you can do them at other times as well.

    Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

    🎉 The 300th Post?

    Nope. Not yet.

    I don't know if this post will be the 300th for 2022 because I am writing it on Friday, September 23, 2022.

    Since I am not looking at my total number of posts for September at this time, I cannot tell you how many posts I have written in 2022.

    The last time I checked the total it read: 148.

    Yea, I passed that number.

    September began with a bang with four posts on day #1. My guess is that I am currently at sixteen for September and around 160 for 2022.

    Good. If I can get to 190 posts by the end of September, then that would be good. The grind will intensify the last three months of the year as will the events of the year. Man, are there so many topics. Plus, you all are owed a bunch of exercise related topics with some photos. Many topics this year have been centered around motivation and set-up. But, you need exercise or strength & conditioning.

    So, since it is December, and this post has finally shown its face...how were the exercise posts between September and now?

    Did you do them? Any of them? Did you incorporate them into your workouts?

    Why and why not?

    It is all a grind, regardless!

    Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Holidays! Happy New Year!

    Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

    10 Items: What Music Can Do For You Performance-Wise


    Can you hear it?

    It's more than noise. It's more than coordinated and organized noise. Music provides and engines so many situations. It's used everywhere. In quiet places music is appreciated. In addition, people are so creative with music that they use any surface to bang out some notes.

    Let's see ten of the provisions of music:

    1) It energizes you. Think about lyrics in songs like Eye of the Tiger, O Holy Night (you know you belt out those lyrics with Mariah Carey), Lose Yourself, Hey Ya, and so much more.

    2) It helps you to compete. When I write these posts, music helps me to pace myself - I try to see if I can finish a post before a song ends, or how deep into a song can I get while writing? I do the same thing while I drive - How many exits will this song last? 

    3) It puts you to sleep. Nope, the music doe notes to bore you. Just put on some good music and fall asleep. As a teenager, I found the sound of ocean waves provided a refreshing soft noise.

    4) You can study. Sleep helps you retain information. But, you can learn by making up tunes about the information you study. For example, make up a rap to memorizing the cranial nerves and their functions. Better yet, do a tune for blood flow through the heart and lungs.

    5) Music celebrates. Every celebration has music, right? Birthdays, holidays, welcomes, births, festivals, amusement parks, and on and on and on...

    6) It helps you shop. Why do grocery stores and department stores jam so well? I know I am not the only one who grooves while grocery shopping. I cannot help but to move in aisle 14 as I shop for apples lol. Listen when you shop again.

    7) It helps you enjoy the dentist and doctor. Music may be different when you visit your primary care physician or specialist versus the dentist's office. My last dentist visit, which was earlier this month, had me singing along and bobbing my head in the dentist chair. I was still when my teeth wer cleaned...but I hummed too.

    8) It gets you through tough reps. I tell people when they work out to listen to the music. If youndo not know the song, then listen for patterns in lyrics or in the beat. Why? You can finish the workout better. Count how many reps it takes to get to the next bass drop or to the next repeated lyric or stanza. This technique works with set weight repetition ranges or when using time (30 seconds) for reps.

    9) Music preps for distraction. The best scenario that I can think of has to do with preparing for a game, especially when your team is away. You could, I repeat, could use music to simulate speaking over a loud crowd. Quarterbacks know. But, if you play in a smaller setting (basketball court, ice rink, volleyball, etc.), you can use music to prepare.

    10) It gets you through tough times. Songs such as, Brighter Days, Promises, and Break Every Chain to name a few have superb lyrics that you can use after listening to them. 

    Use music for any situation for as long as you need to use it. 

    Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

    Righty, Lefty, Correct?

    Even though 2022 is coming to end, let me give you some gems that you can try or ponder in 2023. 

    Hopefully, do.

    My inspiration for this post spawned while training a valued client as we threw a medicine ball. The medicine ball, when thrown, can be a stress reliever. You can also work on your road to ambidexterity. 


    Catch that bad boy with two hands. Upon throwing the ball, alternating leading with either hand. You can still throw the ball with two hands, but you will follow through with one hand after each throw. If you only want to follow through with one side versus alternating, then that's fine. The follow through allows you to work on your less coordinated side.

    Have at it!

    While I am on this subject, do the same technique with kicking and trapping a ball. Not a medicine ball...ouch! Kick and trap with a fùtbol, kickball, or football. Nothing indicates that you cannot work both sides of your body. Your coordination will love you for it.

    As a matter of fact, start your walks and sprints on the opposite foot, especially if you do reps. 

    Work your left...and right sides all of the time. Open a door, drive, write, type, playbthe piano, and more with your least coordinated side.

    Avoid Popeye on one side and Olive on the other.

    Alright, try it today in some action. How about pot holding while you stir and cook?

    Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

    Christmas Message

    December, as mentioned beforehand, is a great month to start a new habit or polish a current one...or drop a bad habit.

    The week of Christmas and any other overlapping holiday - this year Hannakuh, Christmas, and Kwanzaa overlapped - represents a better time to start, polish, or drop habits. 

    Today, December 27th is the third day of Christmas. Many people have returned to their regular work schedule. Many people have taken the week off and either stayed at home or ventured on vacation. All of these fonal year-end moves are fine. For one, they can set you up for new achievements, new ventures, new goals, and valued time.

    This week, you may see messages from the millions of philosophers we have here in the world who will remind you to: Leave your worries behind. Don't bring them into the new year...What will you focus on next year? This lull week, as I like to call it, between Christmas and New Year's Day, gives you the chance to polish up 2022 items and prepare for the ones that 2023 has to offer.

    So, you don't have take everything down just yet. In fact, put up reminders that will help you for the remainder of the year. Continue to surround yourself with folks that make you feel good and encourage you. Please, do let go of burdens and actively change the situation. 

    Polish up and enjoy what 2023 has in store for you!

    What are you doing this week?

    Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

    10 Items: Christmas Movies

    The Christmas season is not over yet. It's only the third day of Christmas. 

    Aren't you supposed to get three calling birds today to go with your two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree?

    Continue to enjoy the good company of which you surround yourself or these 10 movies listed in random order. There are plenty more Christmas movies, but these 10 hit it:

    1) Elf - lol.

    2) Home Alone - Was the absolute best when it entered the movie scene.

    3) Home Alone 2 - good sequel.

    4) National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - absolutely the best.

    5) The Grinch - the Jim Carrey version.

    6) Jingle Jangle - enjoyable for everyone.

    7) The Polar Express - a good one for the family and kids.

    8) Arthur Christmas - charming.

    9) A Christmas Story - gotta have one classic in there, right?

    10) This Christmas - star studded: Idris Elba, Loretta Divine, Regina King, Chris Brown, Delray Lindo...

    What is your overall favorite Christmas movie?

    Much success to you | Derek |@teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

    Sunday, December 25, 2022

    Merry Christmas!

    Sights around this holiday season!

    Merry Christmas!!

    @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com