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Monday, November 7, 2022

😋 CAVA: Yum

I might as well write about it since a location may pop up in your area soon.

This food joint is on fire! 

Recently, my wife and I invited a friend of ours from church, who had never eaten at CAVA, to join us in the treat that is known as...CAVA. He asked, "CAVA? What is CAVA?"

To which I replied, "It's Mediterranean Chipotle." But, it's better. No lies told, I have only eaten at Chipotle four times. I've lost count on my...excuse me...family CAVA visits. Look, CAVA you have graced my kitchen table for a birthday, just cause it is any day of the week, and because we wanted the food.

Plus, we never to rarely eat any other food other than our own cuisine, family cuisine, or cuisine at a get-together.

Folks, if you have not been to CAVA yet...why not? 

As a health professional, I feel like CAVA does the nutrition job: great taste, healthy food, return for more. In addition to those qualities: no greasy smell. How could you reject food stat? 

A Gallup poll lists the restaurant industry as one of the industries that has received an increase in positive reviews over the last year. Restaurants such as CAVA have poured on the amenities: pick-up, order online, good food, and service. These adjustments to a post-Covid environment probably give the restaurant business the positive opinions it deserves after pushing through the challenge of 2020.

Continue to make wise choices. Sure, other fast food joints have upped their ante as well - good business by all of those locations who stepped it up. But, CAVA takes the lead. 

I don't care if someone does not like CAVA. It hits. You're hungry? It hits. You want something different? It hits. Want to eat at home and smile? It hits. At work, outdoors?...It hits.

I could talk on and on about CAVA. But, go stand in line. CAVA...keep growing - I'll see you around town.

No long explanation is needed. Go and invite someone else. 

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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