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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

🏀10 Items: Best NBA Logos

The NBA has logos that are a cross between the many letters of the MLB, objects, and some action with team nicknames. The top 10 logos that make you want to move and play:

10) Toronto Raptors - the texture of the talon rip does it.

9) Dallas Mavericks - it's the bronco.

8) Memphis Grizzlies - the darker and fierce bear head makes the logo tick.

7) Milwaukee Bucks - it looks like you should avoid this buck.

6) Minnesota Timberwolves - You cannot go wrong with a howling wolf, right? It's ready!

5) Houston Rockets - you may only see an "R", but the logo looks like a rocket is about to take off.

4) Phoenix Suns - something about a shooting sun one its way to making bucket.

3) Chicago Bulls - you don't think that is a mean bull that wants to charge, and you better move?

2) Boston Celtics - come and get this competition says the leprechaun.

1) Miami Heat - heat produces movement.

Would you agree or disagree? Take the family out for a night of basketball.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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