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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

💃Body Image: Showtime

If you have it, show it. 

You might encourage another.

That is the phrase people know about when it comes to bodies. However, after reading a brief social media post in an article, a woman who physically takes care of her body - I don't know her name - expressed that she gets trolled for her lean and curvy bod, the abbreviation for this matter, flat tummy and all. You get the picture?

Folks, why are individuals shamed for taking good care of their bodies? That doesn't make sense!

The shaming normally happens to women. So, you're saying a woman, who works out, eats right, and dresses to feel good, cannot flaunt her bod in confidence?

You have to shame her?


Now, there are times when some pictures should have more privatization. Of course, with social media, skin is everywhere...and in every profession. But, tight bods should not face shame.

Tight bods...show physical discipline. Albeit, with the connection between physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, perhaps the latter two disciplines are on display as well, right?

So, why shame?

If the show gives a woman confidence in her bod and in general...if the show gives someone else confidence...if the show prompts a wow from you or someone else then pose away!

And, no...not everyone can or should show their bod. 

Confidence. Encourage. Discipline. 

What's wrong with those three habits in terms of the bod?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

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