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Wednesday, November 9, 2022

🧍‍♂️Palms Out. Poor Posture

Usher sang the lyrics, You got it bad.

But, for this topic...
Politicians have it bad and probably the worst.
Lawyers have it bad.
The guy who just walked in front of my car has it bad.
People who are excessively overweight have it bad.
Long sitting desk workers have it bad.

What is it?...Poor posture.

Here is an easy way to see poor posture: If you can see the palms of a person as he or she walks away from you, then that person has poor posture, which is most likely indicated by rounded shoulders.

Gov. DeSantis (FL) has it. Watch when he stands. Palms face behind him. Most congressmen and senators stand with their palms facing behind them. Is it a result of older age? Not really. But, poor posture such as rounded shoulders and palms out can arise with older age if you do not take care of the situation:

1) Don't sit too long. You are bound to hunch over looking at your computer or cell phone, which may weaken your back muscles

2) With purpose, walk tall. Keep a proud chest with palms facing your legs as you walk.

3) Palm play. As you walk, rotate your shoulders, forearm, and wrists as you go in and out of round and proud shoulders.

4) Fix your posture throughout the day. As you talk, walk, drive, run, bike, skate, be aware of your stance.

Look at your posture as you drive. It's a big culprit.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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