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Monday, November 28, 2022

🏋️‍♂️🏋🏾‍♂️Work(Out) Inflation

Times change.

I had a conversation with a body shop owner, and he mentioned the cost changes for parts. Get this:

A typical windshield wiper change pre-inflation: 

Maybe $14

Now: $60

A typical battery change:

Pre-inflation: $75

Now: pretty much at $300

The big companies increase their prices, which leads to small shop price increases, which leads to more money out of your pocket. However, your pocket does not change with the quickness.

In order to keep up with inflation, is there a need to go all out in financial splurged? No

Do you need the absolute best of an item? No.

Will you be disappointed if you do not have the best and priciest item in any industry or shopping realm? Perhaps.

But, keep your cool. 

In terms of the auto industry, may be you don't have to drive as much. Or, may be you dave your breaks and learn to hover in highway traffic. Perhaps, short driving distances become walkable and bike-able journeys. Take your pick and apply it to other circumstances as well (e.g.  grocery shopping, gifts, clothes shopping, movies).

Inflation, due to its pressure, can help you learn new skills and new methods.

But, an important aspect of inflation is you. Do not give up on yourself. Do not give up on your well-being. Sure, your progress and accomplishments may slow down due to a pressure on funds. But, invest in your...workouts.

Workout Inflation. This type of inflation hurts because it says times have changed so much that you cannot or you will find it difficult to take care of your physical well-being.

When do you see this type of inflation? When gym memberships skyrocket...When training sessions grow to too expensive rates....When gyms close.

How can you combat the change? 

• Body weight workouts.

• Workout with your own equipment.

• Stagger your sessions with a trainer.

• Seek reliable workout sources.

See, your workouts truly do not need to suffer from an inflation attack, period!

Of course, motivation and inspiration play factors in avoiding workout inflation effects. So, see 10 Items of Motivation.

So, turn a hiked up workout rate into a rate of power and independence. Don't strain your health. Make more wealth out of it.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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