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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

🏒10 Items: NHL Logos

You may have your overall favorite NHL logo because you picked your favorite team. You might like the color scheme or the team's current record. Well, all biases aside except for the one that is about to be shared: Top 10 NHL logos based on movement. That is, you look at them and are inspired to move:

10) Carolina Hurricanes - you're out with a hurricane. 

9) Buffalo Sabres - the bison and the sword are posed for a fight.

8) Tampa Bay Lightning - when lightning strikes, you gotta get out of the way.

7) Chicago Blackhawks - tough logo.

6) Washington Capitals - the screaming eagle looks like an eagle on the attack.

5) Colorado Avalanche - avalanches have power and the swarm on the logo looks powerful.

4) Nashville Predators - it's fierce enough.

3) Calgary Flames - it's the flame on the "C" that does it.

2) Pittsburgh Penguins - has hockey in the logo.

1) San Jose Sharks - it attacked hockey.

Get some hockey tickets this Christmas and season?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 


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