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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

🍪Slow Role Junk Food

Name something that you can have with easy access:__________________

Junk food should be included in one of your answers because of its abundance and availibilty. You see plenty of store fronts on roadwayss with elaborate signs that entice you to stop by and eat.

How often do you stop?

Throughout the year, you visit family and friends who may have a strong taste for junk food. They may not always eat junk food, but on occasion their tastebuds cannot help it.

You may not know any better in terms of food choice, so junk food seems like the best option. Certain food chains know this fact, which pinpoints one reason why you see them a lot.

Brief History of Junk Food
Junk food does not even know when it was established. Some sources say the term was coined in 1972. There is the Inception of 1896 with Cracker Jacks, which served as a kick-off to junk food. 

But, didnt junk food exist earlier in time? After all, it is a treat, right?

Sure it existed a while ago. Many things were popularized in the 20th century. But, look at all of the cakes, cookies, and other treats from medieval times. 

Junk food has been around for ages. But, it does not mean you have to follow suit ALL of the time.

But, you can still slow your role of high fats, high sugars, high cholesterol, and high fried foods.

From a performance standpoint, these foods do not improve performance in the long run. They slow you down. Obvious take, of course. But, you would be amazed by the number of athletes who have very poor yet high junk food consumption prior to competition.

Athletes, you should know the deal. But, I feel for you if you do not or have never had a good example of an individual who could have shown you the proper way to eat for competition. 

Non-athletes, you are not off the hook. Slow your role. I know it's difficult, but it is needed.

Name a change of food behavior that can help you?...I'll share some in posts.

My Consumption. High sugar foods that I will probably eat in December:

  • Baklava 
  • Egg nog (non-alcoholic)
  • Pie assortments
  • Cookie assortments

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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