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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

🏒10 Items: Best PHF Logos

There are only 7 teams in the Premier Hockey Federation (PHF). So, I added three fictional teams for the fun of it. Formerly known as the National Women's Hockey League (NWHL), the PHF is growing. Back in 2015, I had the privilege of meeting the NWHL's first commissioner and founder, Dani Rylan, at the NY Riveters (former name) vs Boston Pride game on the campus of Harvard University.

Great conversation, and Dani did not mind that I walked up to her. In fact, I was shocked that I was able to do that.

To note, from 2000 to 2002, I also had the privilege of coaching a player who played in the first NWHL that existed, primarily in Canada from 1997 to 2007. 

The best logos based on how they motivate you to move:

1) Metro Riveters - tough logo.

2) Boston Pride - good design here.

3) Minnesota Whitecaps - waves are powerful, so it fits.

4) Buffalo Beauts - it's the buffalo.

5) Connecticut Whale - Sometimes, the what looks bored. But, at least it's a whale.

6) Toronto Six - I like this logo.

7) Montreal Force - new logo, new addition.

So, let's add three more fictional teams:

Washington Battle - sticking with names that do not add an "s". 

Ottawa Engine - you like that name, don't you?

Chicago Storm - this name fits well.

Youth hockey players, when you can, get to a PHF game. For many players, it is easier said then done because they live closeby. 

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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