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Friday, November 11, 2022

📢10 Items: Conversation Starters

I don't know about you, but sometimes I have the ability to ignore people. Other times, I say something. Maybe I will say, "We Are!" if the person wears a Penn State logo. Maybe I'll compliment their shoes, hair, or clothes. What's wrong with that?...Nothing! 

Which of these 10 do you take up?

1) Read the Person

2) Compliment Shoes

3) Compliment Shirts

4) Give a Quick Logo Shoutout

5) Mention a City - you might hear their accent or see it on a shirt.

6) Compliment Outfit Colors 

7) Mention the Weather - easy one.

8) Holiday - as in "Happy Holidays" or "Have a good holiday".

9) Talk About Sports - Usually works with other sports fans. You will notice them.

10) Excuse Me/Hello/Smile - no brainers...just follow up with a compliment and keep the tone loose.

What else ya got?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

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