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Thursday, December 8, 2022

🧠 Insta Smahtness

After living in the Boston area for ten years, I developed an affinity for Boston accents. I never adopted one, but I did slip up and say, pahty for party on one occasion.

And, I liked it.

In order to develop a Boston accent, without natural residence - I was a transplant - you have to want it. You have to listen to the differences in tone and vowel and consonant omissions and additions. However, it still may never arrive on the tip of your tongue.

Information travels fast. So, you could practice a Boston accent at any time despite your residential location. Language application and sites like Duolingo and Babel do not include the Boston. But, you can watch YouTube, Netflix, and other movie streaming systems that have Boston accents...ala The Departed

While talking to my mom about quick information access and old encyclopedias, it was interesting to note that her generation receives the same new information that everyone living generation receives. How that information is handled, learned, or interpreted is another story.

The same thought process and information access occurs with strength & conditioning and general fitness - both are at your fingertips.

So, use easier access to your advantage, particularly when it comes to your physical health because, we, professionals, are out here adjusting to new times, giving you, our audience and potential audience a mind and body full of gems!


Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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