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Friday, December 16, 2022

Love Marriage

I could talk a great length about marriage: how I like it; why it's important; why it should work; how it's misconstrued and manipulated in public and in general and add any postives to marriage.

But, I'll keep it shorter and link it to other types of relationships.

For one, if you are married, you should love marriage. Yes, it makes you work...but love it. You made a vow to serve love in marriage, so do it...love it!

The public scrutinizes marriage. You see too many negative headlines about the blessed privilege. It focuses too much on disgruntled, cheating, and divorced celebrities and prominent public figures: 

  • Name three marriages that ended in divorce in the past year. 
  • Now, name three marriages that have been celebrated in the past year.

See, the good side of celebrity marriages and the side where you witness a prominent couple overcome a hardship are rarely shared. 

So, let me cut to the chase because the issue has flooded the airways: Too many people take the TJ Holmes and Amy Robach affair for a casual so what rendez-vous. They say, "Who cares if two people want to have a relationship on the job. It happens all of the time."

It happens, but when the two people are already married, why does a double standard have to exist?

The affair should have never happened. Not a fan of it. Why wasn't it stopped if co-workers knew about it? Was it addressed? 


You should love marriage if you are married. You may not like all aspects and experience challenges, but work at them. I speak on challenges while separate from abuse - you should not be forced to stay in an abusive marriage.

Marriage - a combination or mixture of two or more elements as defined by Oxford Languages online. 

We often struggle with marriage in other aspects: exericse + nutrition; running + stretching; practice + success; play + fun; skating + scoring; listening + doing; driving + attention...I can go on in many directions, naming other relationships. 

The point: recognize connections but don't break the relationship with carelessness.

The injury to one element hurts another and the entire relationship as a whole. You need the one-half (e.g., exercise) with the other half (nutrtion) in order to have a sound relationship.

And, you might not like it. But, love what the marriage does for your well-being.

Can you fix your marriages?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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