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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

10 Items: What Music Can Do For You Performance-Wise


Can you hear it?

It's more than noise. It's more than coordinated and organized noise. Music provides and engines so many situations. It's used everywhere. In quiet places music is appreciated. In addition, people are so creative with music that they use any surface to bang out some notes.

Let's see ten of the provisions of music:

1) It energizes you. Think about lyrics in songs like Eye of the Tiger, O Holy Night (you know you belt out those lyrics with Mariah Carey), Lose Yourself, Hey Ya, and so much more.

2) It helps you to compete. When I write these posts, music helps me to pace myself - I try to see if I can finish a post before a song ends, or how deep into a song can I get while writing? I do the same thing while I drive - How many exits will this song last? 

3) It puts you to sleep. Nope, the music doe notes to bore you. Just put on some good music and fall asleep. As a teenager, I found the sound of ocean waves provided a refreshing soft noise.

4) You can study. Sleep helps you retain information. But, you can learn by making up tunes about the information you study. For example, make up a rap to memorizing the cranial nerves and their functions. Better yet, do a tune for blood flow through the heart and lungs.

5) Music celebrates. Every celebration has music, right? Birthdays, holidays, welcomes, births, festivals, amusement parks, and on and on and on...

6) It helps you shop. Why do grocery stores and department stores jam so well? I know I am not the only one who grooves while grocery shopping. I cannot help but to move in aisle 14 as I shop for apples lol. Listen when you shop again.

7) It helps you enjoy the dentist and doctor. Music may be different when you visit your primary care physician or specialist versus the dentist's office. My last dentist visit, which was earlier this month, had me singing along and bobbing my head in the dentist chair. I was still when my teeth wer cleaned...but I hummed too.

8) It gets you through tough reps. I tell people when they work out to listen to the music. If youndo not know the song, then listen for patterns in lyrics or in the beat. Why? You can finish the workout better. Count how many reps it takes to get to the next bass drop or to the next repeated lyric or stanza. This technique works with set weight repetition ranges or when using time (30 seconds) for reps.

9) Music preps for distraction. The best scenario that I can think of has to do with preparing for a game, especially when your team is away. You could, I repeat, could use music to simulate speaking over a loud crowd. Quarterbacks know. But, if you play in a smaller setting (basketball court, ice rink, volleyball, etc.), you can use music to prepare.

10) It gets you through tough times. Songs such as, Brighter Days, Promises, and Break Every Chain to name a few have superb lyrics that you can use after listening to them. 

Use music for any situation for as long as you need to use it. 

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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