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Monday, December 5, 2022

🛏10 Items: 10 Fantastic Night Routine Changes

I admit that I could tweak my night routine. So, I hope this list helps out someone else. At times, I fall asleep somewhere else in the house...then I get up in the middle of the night or the very early morning ing hours and get in bed. It breaks my sound sleep and serves as an immediate goal to achieve on a consistent basis - a different night routine. I'll practice it tonight because I messed up last night.

Not a ranking but ten good items:

1) Static Stretching/Yoga - If you stretch, then stretch. If you do yoga, then do yoga or both. I used to stretch every night before bed inn3rd grade, but I'm not sure how it affected my sleep lol.

2) Water - the whole hydration thing before bed is worth it as long as you wake up closer to your true wake-up time.

3) Reading - why not have a book serve as one of the last activities of the day?

4) Workout - muscle work prior to bed feels incredible.

5) Shower/Bath - Serves as prelude to one of the best sleep nights. Plus, you're super clean and relaxed.

6) Prayer - As I was taught as a child...as I do in my adult years and teach to my children. Do I break it? Yes. But, I'd rather not break the consistency of prayer before bed.

7) Run/Walk - has that workout feel prior to bed but with more fresh ar potential. You know what? Add in a bike ride, if possible then go to bed. 

8) Writing/Journaling - By the way, forget about the TV in the bedroom. Talk to your spouse if married. Write if you write. Document tomorrow's goals prior to bed.

9) Sleep in Your Bed - My issue, right here. Got kids? I know the feeling of when you never make it to your own bed. Don't worry because you're a good parent. Just...get in your bed.

10) Love Your Spouse - You can have maturity when reading #10. I'm sensitive to marriages because marriage is a blessing and often receives a bad rep in the news or tabloids.

Which one is your easiest to do? Your worst?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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