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Saturday, December 3, 2022

🎵10 Items: 10 Gospel & CCM Songs for Your Workout - Part 1

You can use any song for any phase of a workout or within an athletic event. This list below is not a top 10 list of songs because there will be a part two. For now, carry these ten with you. Try them out:

Move by Toby Mac - I used it in trampoline group workouts when I taught them. So, the song is good for jump roping, trampolining, interval runs, bicycling, and other demanding heart pumping workouts.

Billboard by LeCrae - For strength workout madness and have also used it for jump training.

War by Charles Jenkins - I always imagine someone sprinting and passing a cluster of other runners in a track meet whenever I hear this song. It could also be used in a workout montage, which would include many exercises.

Surrounded (Fight My Battles) by Upperroom - Boxing...the best one I can think of for this song. Also, kicking and tossing weight around.

Break Every Chain by Tasha Cobbs - You name it: It's good for a hill run, the last stretch of a race, anaerobic training, bike sprint, any hill bout when you think of it.

For Your Glory by Tasha Cobbs - good stretching song.

Nobody Greater by Vashawn Mitchell - good cardio workout song, especially a live version

It's Yours by Jekalyn Carr - anaerobic workout

Made A Way by Travis Greene - Stretch song. I have used it as a cool down song, which worked very well!

You Will Win by Tasha Cobbs - pre-game preparstion; strength workout; sprint workout workout; cardio workout; power workout; post-game celebration.

Much success to you | Derek |@teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

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