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Saturday, December 31, 2022

👎👍Keeping Tabs

I'm dishing out all of the drafts that had information on it as I fight to achieve my 2022 goal of 300 posts. 

Is it entertaining?

Here is a topic that has been brewing for a while:

Keeping tabs may have a negative effect on your human performance.

You do favors for others out of the grace of your heart. Other individuals may ask you to do them a favor, which can include a brief errand run, purchasing an item at the same store in which you shop, grabbing ice from the freezer, grilling a burger, pick up from the airport, buying a present, or writing a message. 

All plain and simple.

You might keep tabs with yourself, and you keep a record of your personal tabs.

I will mention this tab review: Avoid the tab purse if it destroys good relatonships because it has a tendency to hurt progress. 

A tab refers to the past. So, if you keep a tab on someone, then you tally up past deeds. That's not fair to someone else.

Does everything have to be 50-50?...Tit-for-tat?...I do or get, then you do or get?

Not all of the time.

Awareness is good, but constant tabs are for paragraph makers.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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