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Monday, December 5, 2022

You Like Offense Too Much

Maybe you have been trained too much about offense because offense, at least in sports, scores most but not all of the points. But, that notion depends on the sport.

You are so very used to offense that it blinds you from good defense. You may not appreciate defense like you need to appreciate it.

The Thursday Night Football Denver Broncos versus Indianapolis Colts football game comes to mind. The final score was 12-9, Colts. The Colts had zero touchdowns, were sacked 6 times, and intercepted twice in their win. 

That stat amassed to the first time a teamnhas won in this fashion since 1973.

So, what does everyone focus on? Russell Wilson and bad offense.

What about the defense for both teams? Each team still held the other to a game total of 21 points.


Yea, but did you see... Stop with the yea, but. Let's take this argument to another phase:

A good offense is dangerous. A good defense is insufferable to an offense because you cannot get the dangerous part going. 

You need a good defense in more than sports as it pertains to statistics. You need it in decision making skills, driving, conversations, walking and mindset.

Walking? Yes. You have to watch out for vehicles and bicyclists.

Appreciate defense. Please!

A good defense in how you make decisions can prepare you for the unexpected. You decide to start a new regimen. Then, life happens. Your defense mechanism is guarding against the life change so it does not completely thwart you from your new regimen. You anticipate a victory but things do not go as planned. So, you have to put up a defense against the intensity of blame and renew yourself with a better strategy (or hope your team adopts a better strategy).

Driving. Drive with much defense. It avoids accidents, especially severe ones. It saves you money.

Conversations. If someone says something with which you disagree, you want to strike back with a smart remark. But, your best response may include the right response, which is often difficult for your intended audience to comprehend because they expect chide.

Mindset. Set up your mind to know how you may need to act in a defensive situation. A situation that delivers a supraise answer may have you think and then act with a good defense.

You know who can use good defense? Pac-12 football. Teams are over there putting up 40+ points...in losses! 

So, do you tend to forget about the good defensive skills you own that can get you out of or put you in good positions to succeed?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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