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Saturday, December 31, 2022

🎆So, What's Up in 2023?

Will you continue with the same quips? 

I need to get in shape...

I need to eat right...

I need to go to the doctor...

I need to sleep better...

I need to take a vacation...

I need to go to church...

I need a raise...

I need more money...

I need to get there...

I need to stop worring...

I need to go see him...

I need to go see her...

I need to stop eating so much...

I need to make a dentist appointment...

I need to write my book...

I need to paint my wall...

I need to go to the beach...

I need to check on my family...

I need to call my friend...

I need...that's a lot of sewing. Did that joke fly over?

But really, what changes do you not have to worry about because you have a handle on them?

You may go into 2023 with these and other I needs on your agenda. Fine and dandy. Get to the checklist.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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