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Thursday, December 1, 2022

💪Your Strength in Review

I agree.

Because it is a fact...

In grad school, I had a professor tell us that you can lift as much as you want. Eventually, you will not gain much mass. Otherwise, if you kept lifting throughout out your life, you would be as big as a house. So, lift to slow down the effects of aging and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

How about that lesson in health & fitness and health promotion?

If you are on pace to achieve this goal above, then keep going. If you need a jolt to your pace, then find it now. But, if you find it later, then stick to the regimen.

Have you improved in strength gains this year? What changes have you made or will you make with four weeks to go in 2022?

Looking back at my own goals that I set back in January for the year, I noticed my pull-ups goal needed a tweak. By the end of the year, I'd like to do 20 uninterrupted pull-ups. So, I started to include more weighted pull-ups and 90-degree pull-up holds. One thing I have excluded so far: playground pull-ups. 

Playground pull-ups target different muscle areas due to the angle of the bars, which, in turn, change your grip. Yes, getting funky with awkward angles makes you stronger.

Try out a new wall sit exercise. Wall sits get the bad rep of torture. They are not meant for torture. Wall sits strengthen and stabilize, but you have to switch them up because sitting against a wall reaches an end point.

So, with 30 days left in the year, what's on your strength palate?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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