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Saturday, December 31, 2022

Much Success to You!

Since starting this blog, I have changed the sign off several times. I know you wrestle with your sign-offs: Best... Regards... Yours Truly... Sincerely... Love... Thanks...

The wrestling is fine lol. 

But, I did not add, Much success to you, until August of this year because the sign-off needed a change that would benefit you after reading a short post.

August is also the anniversary month of TEEM, so it made sense to make the sign-off change in that month and around that month. 

Much success to you is easy to understand. I hope that you, in general, have much success in the things you have to get done for the day, for the week, for the month, and throughout the year. I also hope you have much success in the execution of a blog post message. Perhaps, it calls you to try a challenge or to do an exercise.

Into 2023. Will the moniker carry into 2023, I think so. I'm keeping it. It has only been used for five months, so why not?

Luck. An important reason for picking, Much success to you, occurred because I use it in normal conversation to have a stronger meaning than, good luck. Good luck has a tone of...Well, give it a try and who cares if you make it and who cares if you don't. You had the luck.

You probably may not see luck in that manner, but I rarely to never say it lol.

So, as 2022 comes to an end...

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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