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Thursday, December 1, 2022

What Drives You: Case & Verdict - All Are Affected

(From September 30, 2013):

Widespread news just like the Marathon bombs will get coverage in relation to health, fitness, and athletics in these blogs and e-newsletters. We have been rocked and jolted this year by news that has either threatened our well being as individuals and as a race. Our justice has been poisoned. Our tolerance has been challenged. Our distaste has been erected. Our fight continues. We have been driven.

Of recent, we have seen the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case and verdict. Opinions have varied across the nation and have affected the world. Personally, it was not until Wednesday, July 17, 2013 that this case and verdict really hit hard on several levels. For one, how does this scenario relate to health, fitness, and athletics? 

Most importantly, what am I going to tell my kid(s)? 

Internally, how do we process and understand what transpired in Florida. Many people will not understand the outcome and only look at the verdict. In fact, all of us are and should be affected by this type of case and this sole case in general (with another similar case brewing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin).  People will blame all sorts of parties, ideals, etc. 

Hey, the blame has been going on for eons and travels from generation to generation. Is there an answer?...Yes.

Before I get into the health, fitness, and athletics connection, I will say that as a Black man and soon-to-be-father...I am absolutely irked at a few things: The New York Daily Post ran a cover page that listed the names of young African-American who had been killed and undoubtedly further killed through social injustice. While on Facebook earlier this week, I saw the post pictured above that had a picture of Zimmerman, Casey Anthony, Andrea Yates, who is the lady who drowned her five kids, and Michael Vick. The top left corner pictured Zimmerman and read, "Killed an innocent black kid...found not guilty." The top corner pictured Casey Anthony and read, "Killed her daughter...found not guilty." The bottom left corner pictured Andrea Yates and read, "Drowned five of her kids...found not guilty." The bottom left corned pictured Michael Vick and read, "Fought pitbulls...found guilty and given 23 months in prison."

Two poster images. Different interpretations. Different meanings.

Despite our race, ethnicity, political favor, socioeconomic status, educational level that should make anyone feel uncomfortable. Kids have it rough!

So, as I venture in the fatherhood and continue my manhood, I think this recent news feels like someone running over you, stalling, repeatedly runs back over you, speeds off laughing, and then blames you for lying in the street after you were hit the first time. Now, imagine if this person who was just run over was your child, sibling, parent, friend, or someone in dire need. 

How would the situation affect you? 

When my child is born, he or she (I am still not revealing the gender to the public because my wife does not know yet. Shhh! I know), will have to be educated on the two worlds of social injustice as it applies to everyone.

Are you driven?

When social pedigree is challenged and deceived, I am personally driven. Since I love physicality and mental and spiritual growth, a shower of public news that might seem unjustifiable to many is translatable into a positive result on my health. 

All of us have the ability to flip information that is bothersome into information that is progressive. 

For example, when striving for a physical goal saying that we cannot do something when, in fact, we can deprives us of our goal(s). When an athlete takes on the idea that he or she does not care about the team, and his or her attitude affects the team's result, everyone is deprived of a positive outcome. When someone blames a restaurant for making them out of shape or unhealthy and does not look at personal choices, that person has deprived his or her integrity. Our social lineage is much stronger than blame, guilt, and injustice.

However, when history and the law is not for all people or only for some people (I said all people - I hope no one is reading this message as if it pertains only to one race), then everyone is affected. Everyone's social pedigree is harmed. History is not on every athlete's side. For example, look at the roughly 30 NFL players who have been arrested in early February 2013. These instances have put a dent on the reputation of the NFL. History is also not on, for examples only, the lazy person's side. The absolutely lazy person has not lost weight, gained muscle, or felt extremely happy by just sitting in one place.

Now, the law is the law. However, the law can change history. The law can also be changed by history. The law can work on the defendant or on the prosecutor's behalf. If we take the above examples, a viable law can repair the NFL even though the demeanor of athlete's will still be vulnerable. A viable law can be made to make sure that no one physically and mentally deprives oneself as well.

No matter where we stand on what transpired in Florida this past weekend, we are all affected. How are well all affected in one way or another? May God forbid that this incident happens to anybody's child, including my own. But, put your child in this photo below. It is disturbing? 
Purpose and Development,
Derek Arledge, CSCS           TEEM Performance Training           www.temmpt.com

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