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Friday, December 2, 2022

📧Why I Don't Have a Website

For individuals who I trained, who knew about TEEM Performance Training, or who were on my old email listserve, they know about the former website.

But, I don't regret not having a website at the moment.

In fact, I may return to it. As for now, it's all good. The main reasons that I do not have a website:

The Nature of TEEM. I do not have a website...but I have an @. In fact, I have a few @s in Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and even Pinterest. Some platforms are used more than others. I know websites may bring more traffic. But, I want my traffic without congestion. Speak to me about what you want. Without having a physical location, why is a website needed? At the peak of TEEM back when I lived in Massachusetts, none of my clients found me through my website - 90% through referrals. When we trained, none of them had to refer to my old website. 

Would I get more traffic with a website? I'm not set on that strategy. For a merchandise store? Maybe and only because merch stores are assisted by websites. Pretty sure there is another way to sell merch to a wide audience without website usage.

Do you know I had an individual laugh at my old website lol. It did need help. He happened to be a techy, website pro. Did he help change it? Nope. I agree that you can laugh and help. But, laugh without expertise help...what's happening? Lol.

Social Media. So much info is shared via social media. Sure, a website can direct visitors to an RSS feed, which could connect you to this blog. But, you can always visit the blog. I know, I know, a website puts everything in one area. At its peak, it didn't matter...and that was prior to having Instagram. The Twitter page had just started. Social media platforms are...CRUCIAL!

Personal. TEEM has been a more personal experience since its inception. Even if I trained a stranger (from Groupon) outdoors, TEEM has been individualized. The communication was upfront and made sense. Share the @. Share the talk.

Websites have many pages:





Social Media Links

Prices (at times)




All fine and dandy. I share those on here, IG, Twitter, and FB. No love lost. If it were a huge deal, it would have crossed the mind of others a while ago. Texts and email for this structure work with communication.


Maybe...the website will return in the future.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

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