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Thursday, December 8, 2022

Your Leg Workouts Need A Tweak

You are probably used to performing conventional leg routines with or without certain equipment such as: squats, deadlifts leg presses, lunges, jumps, bounds, and skips. The exercises, in one dimension leave you tired and sweating.

That's good.

But, have you ever dipped into tri-sets? 

Sometimes, I wonder why athletes only do the above exercises without an immediate follow-up as in a tri-set or compound set. Well, I know why - either they have not been shown or they think that a uni-set is good enough. However, sports and athletic movements occur consecutively:

In tennis, you run forward and may laterally lunge to hit the ball.

In basketball, you may jump, run, and jump again to get a bucket.

In ice hockey, you may skate, stop, and skate in another direction to get the puck.

In fùtbol, you may run, pass, run again, then kick the ball.

You get it.

Your lower body does different movements and deserves different stresses. 

So, let me share a couple of tri-sets that I did yesterday on Wednesday, December 7, 2022:

Single Leg Squat (x1) to Single Leg RDL (x1) to Unilateral Lateral Lunge (x4) over four sets, non-stop per side.

Single Leg Lateral Hops (RL - x10) to Double Leg Power Jumps (x2) to Single Leg Lateral Hops (LL - x10) over four sets.

Spiced it up a bit instead of performing only one type of exercise. Try a stacked set. For athletes, it will represent the demands of your sport, depending on the specific exercise you choose, the weight, the rep count, and the tempo. For general fitness, you can pay attention to the choice, weight, reps, and tempo as well.

#MyGem: Complimentary workout to anyone who completes a tri-set and tells me about it. 

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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