I do not believe in ending any year on a premature note. So, for this list of 2022 newbie exercises, I say, so far.
So far, because it is only December 20th. See Atypical Gym as well. Here are the 2022 newbie exercises:
1) Lateral Lunge Wall Sit. Keep that bent knee under your nose or within your hip width.
2) DB/KB SL RDL Punch. Keep up your guard and no need to fully extend on the punch.
3) Leg Press Push. Add some good weight and push that bad boy. Get a strong stance with your abs tight!
4) Multi-Directional Triceps Pull-Down. Do it in a split stance or parallel feet.
5) Irregular Sprint Starts. You can be as irregular as possible. Most sports have irregular sprint starts: ice hockey is off the boards; football is off a broken tackle; basketball is off a post-up; fùtbol is off a slide tackle; baseball is off a swing...
That's it, for now. Try them out.
Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com
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