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Thursday, March 17, 2011

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - February #3 2011: Nutrition Corner

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter

  • So
  • Nutrition Challenge
  • I Just Call
You can eat what you like because you like it. You can eat because you need to eat. Whatever you do use food as fuel as the best option. I give this information with peanut butter on my mind. Peanut butter is a great fuel source when applied to wheat bread and is one type of fuel source. It works against us when the entire jar is eaten in just a couple of sit-downs. I will be one to tell you that I have not always used food as fuel. Heck, sometimes when the food is really good I pile my plate (getting seconds and thirds) and eat to feel full. I did it last Saturday evening fully aware of what I was doing because I was ready to eat a lot!

It was yummy.


It's important to ask yourself: "Fuel or full?"

Fueling yourself can assist you with the workout you are about to complete. Nutritionally, it gets you through your day. Proper fueling helps you with craving foods that you do not need to eat. For example, eating some protein with your breakfast may help you with a late day sweets craving. Knowing when your body is thirsty and not hungry will help you avoid overstuffing. Yes, that emptiness you feel in your gut could be resolved by liquid refreshments (other than soda and diet soda).

Fulling yourself...well, that leads to sleep unless it's freezing outside and your metabolism tells you "we'll be OK because by the time we get to the car in this subzero weather that cake will be screaming your name."

Nutrition Challenge
I am proposing a challenge to anyone who may not do the following already. When entering your kitchen, before grabbing a muffin and before coffee preparation, drink one...just one... glass of water. I mean, we're going straight to the cleanser of cleansers. The (what should be the) purest of the pure. Water. Can you do this challenge for 5 work days? Honestly, it might save you money. Remember that if you are already doing it, then ask yourself how can you make the situation better.

I Just Call
You can finish the song, but that is not why I would like to call you. In starting a new kind of prompt, I would like to call anyone who needs that extra assistance with starting a new health, fitness, or wellness routine or has trouble continuing one. You may only need an extra "umph"/effort, and a call will fulfill. The call does not have to last a long time. The whole call can last a few seconds - "Don't forget to walk with your wife/husband tonight after dinner", for example.

Be fit,


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