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Thursday, March 17, 2011

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - March #1 2011: What Madness? I Like Mayhem

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter
  • Good Influx
  • St. Patrick's Day
  • March Mayhem
Good Influx
It's been a slow writing month. But, that's OK because it will change right now; you will still receive your 5 e-newsletters for the month of March.

There is a lot ahead in this month, including Thursday's Double Whammy in St. Patrick's Day and the start of the gist of the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament (you know you're into it even if you do not follow the sport.) But, most importantly, there has been an influx in the number of e-home exercise programs (HEP) that have been requested.

This is great news! It means you care about yourself because you know you're the man or the woman! So, I would like to put it out there to everyone that home exercise programs are complimentary and unique. You can receive them in a few ways: 1) You live miles away, and we do not see each other on a regular basis. However, you need a slight kick up until we do meet. 2) Reason #1 included but we most likely will not meet up plus you have a current exercise routine or activity routine that may need tweaking. 3) Reason #1 included and you do not have an exercise routine or activity routine that definitely needs tweaking. 4) There is absolutely no possible way that we can find a place to meet one-on-one or in a group setting. Even more good news, friends and family members are open to HEP's as well.

You will receive a thorough plan.

For those that have requested one, I will get everything to you. I have to reiterate that it is complimentary (whoo!). Also, if you would like to you can submit a "gift" per your request.

Hey, I'm humbled to give you an effective routine.

St. Patrick's Day
In acknowledgment of the major, mid-major, minor, and "that's a holiday?" holidays, St. Patrick's Day serves a purpose. Yup! On St. Patty's Day many people tend to wear the color _ r_ en. So, for those who will wear and for those who will not wear green let us also eat green. There are a some ways we can fulfill this call: 1) Become a vegetarian for a day. You can still get in your protein, but you must eat something green for lunch and dinner. That's lunch and that's dinner not "lunchinner" or "snack-dinner". Bring a friend along with you on your St. Patty's Day journey, especially one who continues to hint at you that he/she would like to eat better or would like to try a new type of food. 2) Eat only green foods (but please do not eat the mold). Tapping into your creative side here. 3) If you are the wise-guy or wise-gal who decided to give up veggies for Lent, I will not fall short in saying shame on you. As you wish for some ruffage, I'm waiving an invisible plate of broccoli in front of you.

That's it.

March Mayhem
It's straight up pandemonium on 68 college campuses around the nation this week. Mad? More like an adrenaline rush has serviced. Millions of people will fill out brackets. Millions may rip them up. But, keeping in mind a wellness technique for this month, what is your Self Health Final Four for the next 16 days? Do you have any major projects to accomplish, but you're wondering how to take care of everything else? Who's your coach (not how much was that Coach?). March is an energetic month.

That is all.

Be fit,

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