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Friday, December 12, 2014

Sweet + Savory Christmas Log


Married: Syrup, sea salt, Old Bay, frosting, jump rope, tennis shoes
Personally, I am cautious about using the word, "worry". However, today's sugar article adds it - I bet I am ahead on the cookie consumption count for December. What's your number? - It is a prime time to take in added sugars, add more salt, and experiment. But, do not even blame the situation because it is a festive and reflective time to enjoy! It is, however, a prime time to work on balance training, flexibility training, strength training, and more as part of this sweet-savory-exercise relationship. After all, it has been said time and time again....exercise and nutrition are married. (see another good marriage: From May 2009). They [exercise & nutrition, "Nutricise"] go through the same marriage woes as other marriages. They have ceremonies -though less expensive - anniversaries, exchanges, honeymoons, family dinners, confusion, offspring, celebrations, and unfortunate divorces. You will hear a lot of individuals easily talk about how they have made subtle or drastic nutrition changes versus subtle or drastic fitness changes. It does depend on the person in this case (see: Game of Depends). But, this type of conversation and situation...
Just. Happen. That. Way.

On that note, you can get more enjoyment out of what you consume at all of your Christmas parties by simply fighting through the urge not to workout. Make it your passion-to-adopt goal. A key note of this proposed enjoyment lies with your exercise intensity and frequency, which are the two most beneficial exercise factors coupled with variation - personal view.

Sweet and Savory Exercise Proposal:

1) Food = Frosted Macadamia Nut Cookies. Exercise = most likely, you will do endurance training such as walking, running, or biking for about 30 minutes. As you metabolize what you consumed, your body will yearn for meal with protein and some carbs.

2) Food = Egg Nog (see: Egg Nog Workouts once the link is up) or Chocolate Covered Pretzels. Exercise = your muscles are so full of ATP that you fee like you can run downtown from your home. You can, but you may not have the time. So, shorten your rest periods between exercises and sets. Pick three to five exercises and blast through them. Here is a full body set:
  • Forward Lunges with Single Leg Stance Pause (alternate: stationary lunge hold with single leg stance hold)
  • Staggered Push-ups (alt: modified staggered push-up hold on the floor or wall)
  • Single Leg Deadlifts (alt: goblet squats)
  • Single Arm Row with Overhead Hold (alt: single arm row, trusting that anything overhead could aggravate a bad shoulder).
3) Food = Smoked Ham and Turkey sandwich. Exercise = You consumed or will consume a lot of protein. So, your body probably wants to optimize protein breakdown and synthesis. Power and strength training are great in this case:
  • Dumbbell or Barbell Hang Cleans (alt: use some sort of light bar. Bad shoulders? Then, shrug your shoulders; or you could get away with shoulder external rotation)
  • Dumbbell Power Jumps (alt: do not jump but go on your tip-toes)
  • Plyo Push-ups in to Rapid Pull-Ups (alt: modified push-ups on the floor or on the wall in to a row or bent over overhead pull)
4) Food = Glazed Meatballs in Bourbon Sauce. Exercise = the same as #3. It really felt good to type and think about glazed meatballs.

With heart,

Derek Arledge, MS, CSCS      www.teempt.com       TEEM Performance Training

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