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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

HAHPN - December #1 2010 - Possibilities

  • (Re)Think Possible
  • Brett Favre'd

(Re)Think Possible
My old and dilapidated Nokia flip phone from 2004/05 conked out on me on Thanksgiving Day. So, I had to catch up with the rest of society and buy a new and more current phone by AT&T, the wireless carrier with the "Rethink Possible" slogan. I realized that I finally needed a change. I realized that it was possible to perform better in the cellular world if I made a change.

I am still getting used to my new phone: out with the old and in with the completely new everything it seems.

Although I liked my old phone mainly because it lasted for a very long time (probably 40 years in cell phone life) and gave me good results until the end, I needed better results as the industry changed. Oh, how this phenomenon is paralleled in our daily lives. For example, you may have a nutritional, behavioral, or physical issue to which you have been so accustomed; but it needs more than a tune-up. It needs a new cocoon or rebirth! You may have endured a lot of setbacks this year that have lead you to 'dead-ends' and down paths that are unfamiliar.

Right now, you could be thinking that everything or most things seem realistically impossible. Something or someone else could be driving your thoughts on impossibility, but you should, in fact, be thinking about possibility. Believe me, I am not a preacher. I'm just a health professional that sees many similarities between health, fitness, and wellness, and what you may call real life situations.

There is an immense analogy.

December is a great transition point between this year and next year. If you have set a health goal, stick to it! Don't write it off and say whatever because it will nag you over and over until it becomes the same, tired, and dilapidated goal you set every year. Anyway, if you set the same goal every year is it really a goal?

(Different thought process than a team or individual that sets their sites on winning a championship every year. News flash: every team or individual wants to win a championship every year. Hello, you don't play to lose!)

Brett Favre'd
So, you've heard the story. He's broken many National Football League (NFL) records. He's won a Super Bowl. He's won over many fans and enemies. He's gained a lot of respect. He even plays hurt.

He also cannot make up his mind whether to stay retired or go through the rigors of professional football - this might be true until now. I'm looking at Brett Favre, quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings, as though he sees how possible it is to keep playing professional football. I mean he can still play in the league. He's probably better than most quarterbacks in the Canadian Football League (CFL). Similarly, he cannot or will not be demoted. I do think that if Favre had an attitude of "I am an old NFL quarterback who thinks he cannot win, does not want to win, and will quit no matter what" than the outlook would be different. Look at all of the players who quit on their teams and are not injured or think they cannot do something.

So, Favre is looked at as someone who has trouble making up his mind. The whole saga is annoying. I'm not taking sides here, but old #4 is pushing. Someone has to be at least taking note to any present perseverance.

Be well,

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