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Saturday, January 29, 2011

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN: January #2 2011 - The Number XLV

  • Preparation Sunday - Super Bowl

Preparation Sunday - Super Bowl XLV
All champions must prepare to win a battle. You're a champion even if you do not think you're doing a lot. You're a champion even if you're doing just a little bit. Think about the practice squad athletes on the Steelers and the Packers as they prepare for the Super Bowl - they do not perform as much as the regular players, but they are still champions.

So, check out this venture if you want to call it one: we have 11 days until the Super Bowl is played in Dallas, TX...Days 1 to 5 - kick it up a notch and try a new physical activity each day. It could be as simple as marching in place or balancing on one foot while you watch Modern Family, for example, or while you watch your kid play. Days 6 to 10 - in the wellness portion of this preparation try some meditation/reflection/prayer or write about your day.

What the heck does this have to with the Super Bowl, Derek? Everything. I bet a lot of the Packers fans and Steeler fans are taking a sequence of their own leading up to the biggest commercial day of the year. It doesn't mean you have to sit back and let enjoy the prize. Plus, it's a good way to start off the year and stay consistent with the change you promised yourself at the end of last year (if you decided to make a change right away).

Oops, Day 11 - enjoy! Legend may have it that churches in Wisconsin, Eastern Minnesota, Wisconsicanada (made it up) and in Central and Western Pennsylvania will see a surge in their congregations. Offering baskets will overflow, cheese production and cow-tipping (hey, there are a lot of cows in PA...a lot!) will increase on Sunday, February 6, 2011.

Be fit,


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