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Thursday, February 7, 2013

We're Bringing Athletes Back

Hold the press because the tadpoles are loose. The tadpoles are loose. So, there is this article entitled, "Stud Study: Sperm Quality, Better in Athletes, Worse in Heavy TV-Watchers."


Fellas, have you stopped watching every prime time television show yet? Does that title make you cringe. C'mon, we have to save humanity. While hundreds of cable channels have shows that pertain to sperm in some fashion, remember that everyone you watch is getting a hefty paycheck and is home. It is funny to think that when we watch sports, we sit a lot. Going to a game is almost like watching TV. Actually, you are on TV but are not active. Now, there is not a need to stop attending athletic events. They are fun and very entertaining. But, as a rule of thumb, get out and enjoy some remnant of that sport at some point.

Just curious but when the men read the title of the article did you go, "What!" Ladies, did you nudge your spouse to get up and hit the asphalt or field with energy?

It is alarming. The mere fact that our bodies love movement and activity. They really do love it. I guess it is safe to say that the television might be best suited for the bathroom, kitchen or wherever you eat, and in the headsets of car seats. The other areas do not require too much stagnancy - you mostly sleep in the bedroom.

Last thing...athletes spend time in the gym, on the field, on the court, on the ice, and on other surfaces. Guys, we do not have to be athletes. But, some things are better than knowing what is happening on NBC, ABC, FOX, and CBS all in the same night...every night.

Purpose and Development,

Derek Arledge, CSCS                            TEEM Performance Training

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