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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cycle for Your Glutes

Get it. The weather is warming up, which means paths and trails will be congested, especially on the weekends. But, there is an activity that is easy to do one you have learned and fun to learn how to do. It is easier on your joints, faster than Usain Bolt for a longer period of time. The activity requires something in itself that can be deemed low maintenance or high maintenance. Lastly, it has many names. Ready?

Cycling, bicycling, biking.

No, not spinning. Spinning is an indoor or outdoor activity that only requires stationary miles.

Break out the Specialized, Jamis, and Bianchi two-wheelers!

Honestly, in the summertime people like to look good in shorts, Capri's, swimsuits, etc. So, why not work on your glutes in a fashion that also sculpts your legs? There have been numerous studies involving bicycling. Very, very positive studies. Most of them may point out that our glutes/butt increase strength, increase power, or even lose fat. Because the thigh is included in this activity, the skirt department at Bloomingdale's shall be most popular among Schwinn and Cannondale owners.

Bike rides with hills in them are more appropriate for a very solid burn. However, if you have not biked in years, then get ready for a burn on a shorter ride. No worries because all of the burning that occurs is dedicated to building more energy. It means your energy systems are working. Below is a brief list for bikers (non-commuting). The parameters are only relative. For example, you may be a beginner and love a long ride:

Beginners: 10 miles, flat terrain

Intermediate: Short to trek it. Look out for the hills. You may still be counting them in your head - 20 to 30 miles with moderate intensity.

Advanced: Trek it. Go for the long miles with hills - 30+ miles with moderate to high intensity.

Purpose and Development,

Derek Arledge, CSCS         TEEM Performance Training          www.teempt.com

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