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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dance 'N Spawned


Pick a dancer: Michael Jackson, Usher, The Cupid Shuffle, The Wobble, Justin Timberlake, Shaun T., Cheryl (from DWTS).

Now, pick a quick-footed athlete: Barry Sanders, Allen Iverson, Adrian Peterson, Messi, Floyd Mayweather.

Now, ask the question: whose expertise or activity/sport was derived from the others'? Basically, did dance moves come from agility drills? Or, did agility drills come from dance moves? Either way, quick feet are quick feet.

If you have ever performed any agility ladder drills, then you feel like you are dancing. Drills such as the following: "Roll Step", "In-In-Out-Out", and "Carioca" benefit quick feet on anyone. It does not matter if you have two left feet or slow feet. Agility drills liven your feet just like dancing. Do you watch 'Dancing With The Stars" (I used to)? Well, a ballroom dancer moves his/her feet so much, making agility look easy!

It's a tie! Do agility drills, and you will become a better dancer. Dance and become a better performer of agility drills. You might discover the next line dance or new move.

Purpose and Development,

Derek Arledge         www.teempt.com           TEEM Performance Training

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