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Sunday, November 3, 2013


Hi ladies.
This is your foot... 

Any questions?
OK, the high heel is not a drug. In all seriousness, high heels are fashionable. Hey, people sprint in them for charity and for contests. But, your foot needs better treatment. Sure, you can wear high heels whenever you feel like it. Just treat your foot. It probably needs some yoga, heat, prayer, massaging, stretching, and exercising before the foot is slipped into the high heel.
  1. Assess Your Strength – Can you do heel lifts? Do you need help strengthening your ankle and leg? If a heel lift is problematic, then high heels will be problematic. Runners, track, ice hockey, figure skating, gymnasts athletes, and dancers may find high heels easier to wear as long as their toes and ankles are not injured or over trained because their sport conditions them for a vertical foot or balance. Strong ankles. Also, women who are used to high heels can wear them.
  1. Quit – Before high heels get any higher please take a step back and ponder the real reason why they should be donned. If you have ankle issues, then shy away from higher high heels. In any case, with Christmas parties, other holiday parties, and about 50 days of work left in 2013, wear the high heels. At least, you can ask someone to give you a gift card to a spa or to a massage therapist.
Of course, this message will not apply to everyone. Wear happily!
Purpose and Development,
Derek Arledge, CSCS          www.teempt.com         TEEM Performance Training

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