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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Men (Women) - An Important Shoveling Message

#WinterShoveling #Blizzards

Video: Get In Shape To Shovel

Avoidable tragedies like the shoveling deaths that occurred in Chicago recently are sad to read. If you are regularly active and are active in moderate and high intensities over sustained periods of time, then you have a large advantage in avoiding a fatality from shoveling

If you are largely inactive and shovel - which is an intense activity, especially during or after a blizzard - then you increase your chances of mortality. Can you do me a favor? Can you get that word out to men (and women but mostly men) who are inactive, men older than 40, and men who are active but may not be used to this type of high intensity on the heart.


The women get it. Plus, there may most likely be a male who is present to assist whether the female is married or not (neighbors are neighborly).

Winter is not over, especially in New England. If I see another snowflake...I will welcome it with open arms and an open shovel!

With heart

Derek Arledge, MS, CSCS          www.teempt.com         TEEM Performance Training

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