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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

HAHPN - November #2 2010

  • The Arsenal: 13+ Benefits
  • Just Run It Out. Hike It Out. Walk It Out. Bike It Out.
  • Aging

The Arsenal: 13+ Benefits

It would be nice to have a facility one day. I will try to keep that dream alive. But, currently a lot can be done without one. I am sharing 13+ benefits that anyone can receive by simply reading or participating in a TEEM activity:

1. Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter (HAHPN) and HAHPN on Blogger - center the crux of health, fitness, and wellness information. Your email is added to the e-listserve

2. Home Exercise Program routines (HEP) - encourage you through postings to use these as supplemental exercises whether or not you have a normal exercise routine.

3. Referral System - entitles you to receive more sessions and network with others in the process. After your first session purchase, anyone you refer garners you a complimentary workout.
4. YouTube Videos – you are not obligated to participate in this benefit. However, it serves as a learning tool for those who tune in to the YouTube channel.

5. Movement Recipes

6. Food Recipe Tips

7. Accountability Partner

8. Movement Screens

9. Ergonomic Set-up

10. Community service

11. Movement Activities
12. Workshops and Lectures

13+. The ones I have not named.

Just Run It Out. Hike It Out. Walk It Out. Bike It Out.
Thanksgiving Day sees a lot of activity: cooking, cleaning, family gatherings, and exercise.

Yes, it never...well...exercise should never escape us!

On Thanksgiving Day, amid all of its natural and normal flavors, give thanks to the fact that you have a body that moves. Amid all of the deadlines, take some time to get out and run, walk, or bike. Do it in groups. Do it alone. Just play! It feels great to play before your big meal, for it helps with digestion. Your serotonin and endorphin levels will be kicking on Thanksgiving Day.

In case you would like to get everything started before the holiday or take everything in after the holiday, I am providing you with turkey trot links to the following metropolitan areas that you may be in the next month:

Walk, run, hike, or bike as you will.

I understand that with normal aging comes aches and pains and crepitus and stiffness. Or, is it that with aches and pains and crepitus and stiffness comes normal aging?

I don't advocate pushing through joint pain or radiating pain. Those two types of pain need relief. I do strongly advocate pushing through "pain" that may arise from just being tired (sort of like playing three overtimes). A solidly good part of exercise is that your muscles are ripping in order to be built up. It is not all peaches and cream, so If it were, exercise would be called "Lounging on the beach and soaking in the sun".

I also certainly do not advocate for seizing exercise just because someone has reached a particular age. Let's take, for instance, Ernestine Shepherd, a 73 year old grandmother and bodybuilder in Baltimore and whose story is chronicled in the article
"Body Building Grandma Ernestine Shepherd Bench Presses, Runs Marathons at 73". (I also posted a link on the facebook page earlier this year)...She did not quit.

So, why is it that aging is as a way to fall back? It's a question with many different subjective answers. Aging is a privilege because you get to learn more about the wisdom of your mind, body, and your soul.
Oh, do not think that I am solely referring to older adults and the elderly in terms of aging. Many of the young and versatile tend to be culprits to falling back on general health, fitness, and wellness. But, present is the potential to functionally improve.

Note: I never said you had to run a marathon. Heck,I just watch them!

Be well,

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