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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

HAHPN - October #3 2010 - Athlete Interaction

  • You are an Athlete in Focus
  • Mirroring - Objects are Closer Than They Appear
  • Extra Postings

You are an Athlete in Focus
October is a month in which a lot of new changes occur: The MLB Playoffs begin. The NHL and NBA regular seasons ignite. The NFL season is in full swing. A host of college and high school sports begin and are mid-season, depending on where you live.

Then, arrives your functional lifestyle:

The economy is tumultuous for many individuals. School tuition rates continue to increase. Different foods, cars, and toys are being re-called. Just...just let out your rebel yell!

Well, as I'll briefly hint on in this section, your time to deal with and operate at an optimal level with all of these changes defines why you are developmentally-athletic or are a developmental-athlete. You may face trials and tribulations in one area that ultimately interfere with your health and fitness as well as your ability to multi-task. An athlete, especially a professional one, tends to endure these same experiences at a higher level and in the spotlight. Oops, I almost forgot to put in the statistic that pros make a heck of a lot more money.

You, the adult, parent, and recreational runner, are like an athlete whether you play a sport or not or believe that you are capable of being like an athlete. Here's the deal: from a strength and conditioning perspective the athlete should be in top shape if he/she is in the mid-season of a sport. For the non-athlete, this [notion] holds true if you consider the beginning of the school year to be a new change, and the end of the year as the playoffs. Hey, why isn't that just like football season? Yup!

The fact is that many of us have different start, middle, and end points so your in-season, regular season, post-season, and pre-season could occur during anytime of the year. This functional structure is true whether you have a certain fitness goal, financial goal (depends on your current financial status too), or wellness goal (i.e., smoking cessation, alcohol cessation, etc.) They are all intertwined.

At some point, you will face easy and difficult points of the year...just like an athlete.

At some point, you will really kick yourself into gear, persevere, and triumph...just like an athlete.

At some point, you will be challenged to conquer a feat...just like an athlete.

Extra Postings
I am placing extra topic postings on the blog site without posting them in emails. This move will help distinguish an e-newsletter from a blog even though most of the topics covered in the email will appear on the blog site.

Be well,

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