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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Treadmill Workouts

With all of the following routines, you can play around with the speed and the incline. It will be vastly different from performing a routine 40 to 60-minute jog on the treadmill or outdoors that you may already used to completing. All of the following may also be completed while fast-walking as well.

Track Routine (a.k.a., "Track Day") - It can either be done on a treadmill or on a track. Since there are many types of routines to perform, here is one example of what "track day" may look like:
          Warm-up jog/walk
          400m run (4x) - at a good running speed
          200m run (2x) - at a good running speed
          100m run (2x) - at a good running speed

Interval Routine (a.k.a. "Speed Intervals" or "Distance Intervals") - The interval routine, like the track routine, will boost your metabolism. For most people, it will be a different type of cardio routine with heavier breathing and a shorter duration. Most individuals spend way over the recommended number of minutes on a cardio machine. You can finish an interval routine in about 20 minutes. Here's an example:
          Warm-up jog/walk - 2 minutes at 5.8mph with incline 1.0 degrees
          "Fast-Pace" - 30 to 40 seconds at 10.0mph (just an example) with incline 4.0 degrees
          "Rest-Pace" - 2 minutes at 4.0mph with incline 1.0 or 0.0 degrees
          "Fast-Pace" - 30 to 40 seconds at 10.0mph with incline 4.0 degrees
          Repeat the "fast-pace" and "rest-pace" for roughly 4 to 6 sets (or more sets depending on the workout day)

Ladder Routine - Again, you can play around with the speed and incline. The emphasis will be laid on increasing your drive and pushing through to the most difficult peak or point of the ladder routine. Walk it out afterwards at a slower pace. Example:

          Warm-up jog/walk
          6.0mph, 1.0 degree incline, 4 minutes
          7.5mph, 3.0 degree incline, 4 minutes
          9.0mph, 5.0 degree incline, 4 minutes.....

Of course, you can manipulate the speed, incline, distance, and time in this case. Many variables. Good results.
Pyramid Routine - Emphasis will be on getting over "the hump" and then not giving up on the way back down the backside of the pyramid. Example:

          Warm-up jog/walk
          6.0mph, 1.0 degree incline, 4 minutes
          7.5mph, 3.0 degree incline, 4 minutes
          9.0mph, 5.0 degree incline, 4 minutes
          7.5mph, 3.0 degree incline, 4 minutes
          6.0mph, 1.0 degree incline, 4 minutes.....
Do it up!


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