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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Exercise of the Week: Walking and Running

Some cities are built and become great walking and running cities. The scenery, the number of people actively participating, and the accessibility to good paths lead the way. we see this domestically and internationally.

The weather is too nice outdoors not to engage in these two free movements. The mornings are crisp to walk or run, and the evenings present some nice breathing weather. If you chomp down on a nice dinner, since the sun sets later, you have plenty of time to take a walk outdoors. If you are willing to run before your dinner, then you have plenty of light and quite possibly plenty of company in other runners on your post-work trot.

You can walk or run as long as you would like, but do not forget to warm up and to cool down. With all of the outdoor apparel on sale or in stores, it is as if everyone is being encouraged to get outdoors for some free vitamin D. From the stay-at-home parent to the 9 to 5 worker, it is an optimal time to get in this easy activity.

Nine to fivers, talk a walk and eat a good lunch. If you have a 30-minute lunch break and bring your own lunch, then you could get away with a longer movement period. If you work at a place with a shower, what is wrong with sweating and taking a good run? Lastly, if you work by a playground or by an outdoor fitness equipment area, by all means bust out some reps. You will be the in-shape man/woman on campus.

So, this exercise of the week engages the individual, the co-worker, families, friends, and even other neighbors who may see you gallivanting around the area. Get your shoes ready!

Purpose and Development,

Derek Arledge, CSCS          TEEM Performance Training          www.teempt.com

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