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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Rest, Sleep, Results - Part 1

Rest and sleep are vastly different.
Rest includes rest intervals, which comprise of shorter and very short rest to even simply a pause.

Sleep consists of controlling your circadian rhythms. Period.

You can rest and close your eyes. You can sleep and close your eyes. Rest involves short and long term recovery. In fact, it is a form of recovery. Sleep is a more extended version of recovery, and includes rest that searches for dreams. Rest tells your body, "OK, we need a break." Sleeps tells your body, "OK, we are done." Both of them are very important in many aspects. Sleep, on the other hand, has received entirely a lot of attention over the past few years. It seems that around spring daylight savings time, the topic of sleep increases.

These are just a few of many public articles on sleep:

Lack of Deep Sleep
How Much Sleep

There will be more on this topic to come. Sleep well.

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