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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Holly-Jolly Christmas Poem

Merry Christmas!

'Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the place
As you reflect on zero-fourteen
You might have run a race
Your shoes are torn, rightfully they should
Hopefully, you have influenced more people in your 'hood

You have taken off from all of your work
During this time, you could attempt a twerk (no, please, no...just massage your thighs afterwards).
Don't forget to stretch much if your muscles are tight
It will help to stay loose even at night

Sleep is encouraged, 6 to 8 hours per day
Laugh it off, you know that's 'cray-cray' (crazy)
But, do not skip breakfast, even during a feast
Nutrition is important and not among the least

Nutrition and exercise, they're married you know
Don't look at me like that, one helps the other go
Cardio and strength, they're married too
Face it, these things have four and five "boos"

You have shopped 'til you dropped with much grit and stick
Everyone knows that you are the real St. Nick!
Shhh, don't tell the little ones who yearn in wake
OMG! These babies have so much...energy! (oops, didn't rhyme)

Did you hashtag everything that you lifted this year?
Body weight, kettlebells, towels, c'mon stop all your jeer!
As you see zero-fifteen in the front there yonder
Stay true to your goals as you ponder

Don't lapse, seek help like a champion utters
You'll realize your skills are smoother than butter
More strength, weight loss, run a race, are those your goals?
Muster some movement, your results...they'll toll.

Eight, ten, no twenty pounds lighter
Look who's feeling fit like a nasty sharp fighter
Four, six, is that how many reps you did?
Congrats you entered the power grid 

Men and women can lift like pros
It does not matter if you are young or "old"
Just call out your target, and you will see

Walk away, run away, bike away all
Swim away, stretch away, roll away, crawl!
Please have a Merry Christmas, and press on to your feats
If you ever need assistance, TEEM has plenty of seats!

 Many blessings to everyone!


Derek Arledge, MS, CSCS        www.teempt.com           TEEM Performance Training




Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Fitness and Race Culture

This piece was written prior to any recent tensions that have been brewing in New York.

You are only getting a taste of something special to come with this topic that is only a microcosm of other topics to arrive in the future from these grammar fingers on this keyboard.

The relationship: it is like having an injured vertebra or pinched nerve at C6 in your upper cervical spine (= BlackLivesMatter) that affects your ability to raise your shoulder and to produce a fluid movement (= AllLivesMatter).

When someone is racist or conducts racist behavior toward another race, the act insults that person's own race. So, what is the point of racism? In lieu of all of the protests that have occured around the nation in response to Ferguson, MO (Michael Brown) and New York City (Eric Gardner), many people have been confused over the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter and saying that #AllLivesMatter. Well, both supporters are correct in their hashtags. But, do not read the hashtag in its literal meaning. In these cases and others, BlackLivesMatter due to the injustices that have occurred throughout history among black lives and authority figures. It is not and should not be a matter of disliking cops. They still do serve and protect. However, the impact of these current cases opens up deeply scarred wounds in the eyes of Black lives. It hurts to see why another black male must be killed over an arrest. All lives do matter. But, it is not putting Black Lives against All Lives. All Lives are the only lives being hashtagged that can stop Black Lives from the injustice. As a nation, we may be tired of seeing a derivative of protests from the 1960's vividly present in the 2010's. As a nation, we should be [proud] that All Lives are standing up for the huge discrepancy in racial tolerance.

Black Lives. All Lives. They are not separate. They are complementary. Hopefully, that can be understood...

OK. To more fitness.

A recent stat from a clip I saw on Netflix had me intrigued: 41.9% of African-American women have never been married. African-American women are the least coupled group in the United States.

While watching the documentary, "Dark Girls", so many emotions come forward. About forty minutes in to the film, one African-American male mentioned something riveting:

"I think sometimes we are afraid to talk about what we really need to talk about. I think what would make the situation better with black men and black women, if they would take the time to have just honest communications."

Personally, I say it starts with how and what is said in the home, in the media, at work, at the salon, at the barbershop, on the bus, on the train or plane, at a party. Stop me because I will list everything. First, and this applies to all races, for anyone of a particular race to mention that their race is not good at a certain skill or behavior because they are that race...is a downfall to that particular race. Yes, all races kick their own butts and drive off it. If someone says....someone said that "white men can't jump." Hey, they even made a movie. But, we know that is untrue - have you seen volleyball? Someone generalized that women cannot play tennis better than a men. Tell that to Billy Jean King. Someone generalized that a black quarterback cannot lead a team. OK, tell that to Doug Williams.

Let me say it with a hashtag: #StopTellingLies #GetOutMore #NotTrue #IKnowSomeone #AnyoneCanBeSkilledIfTheyWantIt

What is your fitness and race culture number?
Add a "1" for every person in the following couple who you know has an active exercise regimen. If you get between 8 to 10 points, then you have an excellent surrounding of fitness and race culture. If you get between 5 to 7 points, then you have a fair to good surrounding. If you get between 1 to 4 points, then this surrounding needs improvement. Ready? Go!:

African-American/Black: Wife = 1; Husband = 1
American Indian: Wife = 1; Husband = 1            
Asian/Pacific Islander: Wife = 1; Husband = 1       
Caucasian/White: Wife = 1; Husband = 1
Latino: Wife = 1; Husband = 1       

If the couple is bi-racial, then select "1" for only one race that the couple represents. For example, if the wife is African-American (AA), and her spouse is Latino and they both exercise, then select "1" for either AA or Latino.

With heart,

Derek Arledge, MS, CSCS        www.teempt.com        TEEM Performance Training

Friday, December 19, 2014

Why Is Volunteerism Included In This Small Business?

Well, for one, it is about empowerment - one of the "E's" in TEEM.

If you have the energy to volunteer for a charity or program that assists an under served population, it should give you the energy to carry on with something with which you may struggle. In this case, that something could exercise, motivation, inspiration, behavior, character, or even respect. Sharing your energy may help someone else act or live in a manner that will change his or her life. And you...well, you may never know it since you volunteered to be a part of empowerment.

TEEM's first volunteer efforts:
  • Friday, December 26, 2014 with Age-in-Place (DC)
  • Saturday, January 17, 2015 with Community Servings (Boston)
With heart,

Derek Arledge, MS, CSCS       www.teempt.com       TEEM Performance Training

Friday, December 12, 2014

Rock Your Hair How You Rock Your Fitness Level


Very quickly, my hair and my fitness level are not synchronized. Typically, the hair lacks the level of the fitness; but it looks stunning on my son. On the other hand, in this New England cold and in the overall winter cold, I grow my winter "sheep-do" just fine.

It is apparent that many people will not increase their fitness level due to their hair schedule. I get it. Do not sweat out the hair. Rock the do before the do is rocked! Plain. And. Simple. So fine, you can adopt a hair rocking exercise routine. I only know because I have asked.

Scenario #1
Hair appointment date: Monday
Potential Exercise Days: As noted by a female:
She probably wants to keep her ‘do’ fresh for at least 3 days (4 is ideal) to maximize the money spent on it.  There are new scarfs out there that supposedly help.  So, ideally – work out and sweat hard before appt,  then, ideally, Pilates-type non-sweat activities Tuesday through Thursday (inclusive), then ramp up intensity again Friday (a little sweat) Saturday (a little more sweat) Sunday (more still)  Monday (full on sweat before appt) repeat (assuming a weekly hair schedule).  By the way – many women get their hair done towards the end of the week, so styles are freshest during the Friday weekend period (including Saturday events and Church), etc…

There you have it. I will leave it there.

Scenario #2
Hair Appointment Date: Wednesday

Potential Exercise Days: Read above. But, given that the weekend is nearing, optimal exercise days could be Sunday (after church or mass, if attends), Monday, and Tuesday.
Fitting Exercises: high intensities on Sunday and Tuesday with a low or moderate intensity on Monday.

Scenario #3
Hair Appointment Date: Friday
Potential Exercise Days: Forget working out on the weekend - unless you read Monday's appointment date guidelines. So, it leaves Monday through Thursday. Four straight days is very ideal.
Fitting Exercises: Higher intensities on Monday and Wednesday with Tuesday and Thursday as low intensities. Or, moderate intensity for two days, one day is high, and the other is low.

Scenario #4
Hair Appointment Date: Saturday

Potential Exercise Days: This day is stealthy. It's already Saturday. Sunday is tomorrow. There might be a function on Monday or Tuesday, leaving Wednesday and Thursday as the only two days. Friday could be used as a workout day unless there is a No-Sweat-Friday (day before the appointment) clause.
Fitting Exercises: Low or moderate intensities on Wednesday or Thursday. Or, high intensity on Wednesday with low intensity on Thursday.

Of course, it depends on the person, including exercise experience and whether sweat + hair affects workout potential. Intensity levels definitely depend on how a person tolerates or responds to exercise.

With heart,

Derek Arledge, MS, CSCS        www.teempt.com        TEEM Performance Training

What Christmas Rush Sickness?


New York, Chicago, and Atlanta gear up! You can play indoors or outdoors, but you do not play with the flu. Flu shots are important and do help in fighting the flu. But, if you are living carelessly during this Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Year's season, then your need to gear up is now!

Equip yourself with proper hydration, rest, nutrition, de-stressing, and exercise as a best form of medicine. Ahhh, exercise! Actually, it is not that scary even during this busy time of year. Be careful with the word, "busy", because it can work you out of things you need... like exercise. In fact, December is one of the best times to start a new exercise regimen because it is a busy month.

When you are busy, you make good, strange, hurried, or normal choices. One of the biggest culprits is shoving down a lot of sugar, salt, and high fat foods while not hydrating yourself properly. These food details will affect how you exercise. They can block good production of ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) in your body, which basically tells your muscles, "OK, we are ready to work for you! Let's go!" When that energy or "umph" is not there, you peter out. Sugar-highs, salt/sodium-highs, fat-highs, dehydration-highs, they are all real (see: Sweet + Savory Christmas Log). So, what will you do?

Get over any type of sickness before it sets in to your body. Some areas in the nation will be more difficult than others, but no one said you could not exercise. Plus, exercise makes shopping better - you will have that adrenaline and energy to walk the length of an outlet area or mega-mall.

Are you over your sickness yet?

With heart,

Derek Arledge, MS, CSCS        www.teempt.com        TEEM Performance Training

Sweet + Savory Christmas Log


Married: Syrup, sea salt, Old Bay, frosting, jump rope, tennis shoes
Personally, I am cautious about using the word, "worry". However, today's sugar article adds it - I bet I am ahead on the cookie consumption count for December. What's your number? - It is a prime time to take in added sugars, add more salt, and experiment. But, do not even blame the situation because it is a festive and reflective time to enjoy! It is, however, a prime time to work on balance training, flexibility training, strength training, and more as part of this sweet-savory-exercise relationship. After all, it has been said time and time again....exercise and nutrition are married. (see another good marriage: From May 2009). They [exercise & nutrition, "Nutricise"] go through the same marriage woes as other marriages. They have ceremonies -though less expensive - anniversaries, exchanges, honeymoons, family dinners, confusion, offspring, celebrations, and unfortunate divorces. You will hear a lot of individuals easily talk about how they have made subtle or drastic nutrition changes versus subtle or drastic fitness changes. It does depend on the person in this case (see: Game of Depends). But, this type of conversation and situation...
Just. Happen. That. Way.

On that note, you can get more enjoyment out of what you consume at all of your Christmas parties by simply fighting through the urge not to workout. Make it your passion-to-adopt goal. A key note of this proposed enjoyment lies with your exercise intensity and frequency, which are the two most beneficial exercise factors coupled with variation - personal view.

Sweet and Savory Exercise Proposal:

1) Food = Frosted Macadamia Nut Cookies. Exercise = most likely, you will do endurance training such as walking, running, or biking for about 30 minutes. As you metabolize what you consumed, your body will yearn for meal with protein and some carbs.

2) Food = Egg Nog (see: Egg Nog Workouts once the link is up) or Chocolate Covered Pretzels. Exercise = your muscles are so full of ATP that you fee like you can run downtown from your home. You can, but you may not have the time. So, shorten your rest periods between exercises and sets. Pick three to five exercises and blast through them. Here is a full body set:
  • Forward Lunges with Single Leg Stance Pause (alternate: stationary lunge hold with single leg stance hold)
  • Staggered Push-ups (alt: modified staggered push-up hold on the floor or wall)
  • Single Leg Deadlifts (alt: goblet squats)
  • Single Arm Row with Overhead Hold (alt: single arm row, trusting that anything overhead could aggravate a bad shoulder).
3) Food = Smoked Ham and Turkey sandwich. Exercise = You consumed or will consume a lot of protein. So, your body probably wants to optimize protein breakdown and synthesis. Power and strength training are great in this case:
  • Dumbbell or Barbell Hang Cleans (alt: use some sort of light bar. Bad shoulders? Then, shrug your shoulders; or you could get away with shoulder external rotation)
  • Dumbbell Power Jumps (alt: do not jump but go on your tip-toes)
  • Plyo Push-ups in to Rapid Pull-Ups (alt: modified push-ups on the floor or on the wall in to a row or bent over overhead pull)
4) Food = Glazed Meatballs in Bourbon Sauce. Exercise = the same as #3. It really felt good to type and think about glazed meatballs.

With heart,

Derek Arledge, MS, CSCS      www.teempt.com       TEEM Performance Training

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

#GivingTuesday: Fitness + Service

TEEM's version of #GivingTuesday is a little different then giving to one or more charities. Instead, TEEM has teamed up with Age-in-Place, a Washington, DC organization that, according to their website, "provides basic home maintenance services such as cleaning and yard maintenance to older adults living in Wards 4 and 5..." - DC area residents, this opportunity is talking to you. Plus, there is added incentive for you on exercise training sessions if you come out.

On December 26, 2014 from 9am to 12noon, join TEEM in a morning volunteer opportunity with Age in Place. If you are interested, contact derek.arledge@gmail.com, and your information will be passed on to Age-in-Place, 1842 Channing Street, NE, Washington, DC 20018.

Why Serve?
One of TEEM's values is community. It does not only involve community service. But, it more widely involves getting to know the surrounding community a little better in a manner that lets you exercise your energy. Serving in the community will serve your enthusiasm to improve your fitness because it is one of those innate feelings that touches you. Have you ever served at a soup kitchen and left wanting to make sure that you have everything tight around how you get food served to you, whether it is how well you grocery shop or how well you eat?

Fitness + Service
They intertwined. When you stay fit, you develop muscles or, at least, you maintain the strength of your muscles. If you are fit enough, then you can serve via the plethora of ways that there are to serve. Fitness plus service is not all about collecting hours for budding high school and college students. It is saving time for others and feeling rewarded.

So, who is willing to sign up? Who is interested?

With heart,

Derek Arledge, MS, CSCS        www.teempt.com       TEEM Performance Training

Taste & Money - Part II: Whatchu Got For Me?

From the original post from September 2012, Taste & Money Part I: Confess-Shuns. We are at the thick of things in this 2014 - 2015 eating season, which runs from Late September (apple-picking) to February (Valentine's Day). Does anyone have an MVP - Most Valuable Plate yet?

My MVP is cornbread and cookies so far. I know...plenty of energy to expend!

The eating season is the most important time for taste. It is a feasting time period. If your dish does not have taste, then please reserve it for you and your family one separate days. However, if your dish has too much taste, then you are cheating in the kitchen. Too much taste means too much of one or two ingredients like butter, sugar, and salt. Some Food Network experts may not be as happy since butter, sugar, and salt can be substituted.

Money is the best thing that taste can buy! Yes, you could be buying a plethora of taste enhancements. However, the true seasonings could be in your kitchen already. What about mixing juices that flow from meat in a vegetable medley dish? What about fruit dishes that make salads taste good? How about the good ole carb, vegetable, and meat mixed dish? What about the high fiber dish with natural juices from other foods that tend to spice up blandness?

In short, hopefully you are getting yourself in position for a fit, healthy, and healthy fun 2015 because it is less than one month away! Right now, in writing this message, it is December 2nd. Do you know where your energy and muscles are?

Make the best dishes that does your body good!
With heart,

Derek Arledge, MS, CSCS          www.teempt.com          TEEM Performance Training