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Saturday, August 17, 2024


You may be here because you have a fear of missing out (FOMO). Well, I admit that I get a little overwhelmed with the number of activities I would like my family and to experience. I do not wish there were eight days in a week. Nope. God intended it to be seven, and seven is what we get. 


We can control the length of summertime or summer break. It used to be eleven weeks. Now? The break from school lasts nine weeks. Hey, don't knock the two-week slice. Some of us love longer summer breaks for stay-cations or travel. We get to experience our area at a time when the schedule is more relaxed. Maybe these remedies can help:

1) Are there any short trips you can take during the school year? - It's more difficult for families who have rigorous sports schedules or extra-curricylar activities to achieve this feat.

2) Can you visit nearby museums or zoos? - Ah, more feasible. It does not suffice if you have long athletic weekends, however.

3) Can you visit an amusement park? - First of all, the summer is too hot to wait in line for 1 to 3 hours. Then, there's the summer crowd. Again weekends can promote difficulty with crowded athletic and extra-curricular schedules.

4) Can you go on a joy ride? - Perhaps the easiest of them all. Just be careful. The road is full of bad drivers, unsafe drivers, and the worst...drunk drivers. Please, everyone...drive safely! You can drive and explore or enjoy with a busy athletic or extra-curricular weekend schedule. Just go. Relax.

5) Plan for the next time. I know... it's difficult. So, let's call it OOMO - Opportunity Of Matriculating Onward. 

What else can you think of?

For me, for you, for others,


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