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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Flood Warning - Emergency Procedures

If you're following close to the news, you will notice that the Mississippi River is showing its power and might. From a wellness standpoint - wellness not fitness - all of these families that are affected by the flooding Mississippi have been/are/will experience life changing situations.

First, let us hope that the safest and best can come out of this ordeal. Let us also hope that those who remain behind as the waters rise can survive unharmed. This entire ordeal reminds us of a two-part question: What do we do in an emergency situation and how do we prepare...from a wellness and fitness standpoint?

Let me first comment that I have never been in a natural disaster, so I do not know exactly what everyone in Mississippi is going through or what other survivors have experienced in the past. However, I never like to see any families suffer in these types of situations. The professional side of me says:

Keep maintaining your fitness because you never know when a natural disaster will strike. When it strikes, hopefully you will be in the type of shape in which you can never tell yourself, 'I am tired from packing up' or 'I am tired from boarding up'.
In these types of emergency situations, it is important to already be fit mentally and physically because you never know when you must react quickly and unexpectedly. With practice this type of strength settles in you.

Be fit,

Founder, TEEM Performance Training

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