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Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Best of Both Worlds - Polamalu

Pomp and circumstance for Troy Polamalu!!! Congratulations to Troy on his graduation from the University of Southern California! I love this time of year because so many students are so elated, and their smiles resonate through restaurants as they dine with family.

So, here is to all of the NFL players that are locked out and have not completed their undergrad degree. While you train or rehab in this lockout season do not forget to grab those last few or several lingering credits on your transcript...right?

As a matter of fact all of us can possess the best of both worlds. Check it out: in one corner an athlete can return to school to get his/her degree after stardom in a professional league. In another corner a non-professional athlete, which is most of the population, may already have their degrees; so now it is important for that particular individual to get their health and fitness in order. Except in this case there is always time to get our health and fitness in order. We are all pawns - we must position ourselves and set up our health and fitness territory.

Of what does it consist? How bad do we really want to achieve our health and fitness goals? How much are we willing to obey the path to getting stronger, to getting more toned, to burning fat, or to running faster, or to gaining more powerful movement. Listen up to the instruction and coaching provided! Do it up!

The best of both worlds...it is a struggle to juggle between academics and athletics or between work and fitness. But, it is worth the effort!

Be fit,


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