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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Exercise - January 2013

A lot is mentioned about weight loss and fat loss. But, we seldom see headlines on muscle gain. Many people would like to have both results. Concentrating on one aspect will ultimately advance the other. You can follow these brief muscle gain tips below:

1) Lift a heavier weight. If you find it easy to reach your target repetition number, then it is time to increase the weight (5 lbs. for the upper body and 10 lbs. for the lower body). Keep the same position and control parameters such as feet flat, head straight, chest up, abdominals braced as if someone is about to punch you in your gut. Of course, the position depends on the exercise.

2) Pay attention to your rest intervals. Do not over rest because your muscles will become less stimulated, thus your load will not be as difficult. Do not under rest because your load will be too difficult. As a rule of thumb - if you can only do 8 repetitions of an exercise, then rest for 60 seconds. It really depends on the intensity, the exercise, and the weight lifted.

3) Work on strength and power. Most individuals definitely work on strength all of the time. Endurance pops up in there as well. Power, not powerlifting, is very important to a workout plan. Explosive movements produce faster muscles, faster reactions, and more bang for your buck. Since CrossFit, Insanity, and P90X are known to some of the population, then these participants have experienced explosive movements. Push-ups with a clap, jumping, sprinting are examples of explosive movements. Well, they are a start to more difficult ones.

Purpose and Development,

Derek Arledge, CSCS                            TEEM Performance Training

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