CrossFit, Insanity, P90X, and the 10-minute Workout. Have you heard of these types of workouts? Since they pop up on commercials or even on ESPN, then you have probably seen a lot of footage. As a matter of fact, you have probably bought one of the DVDs or bought a package at CrossFit. Well, they can all work. With the exception of CrossFit, the other three do not involve hands-on training but only video coaching. Why would I advocate for these types of workouts?
1) If someone comes to me and has experience with these workouts, it makes a little easier to give them certain exercises because the individual is familiar. One issue, however, is if the person does the exercise correctly. It is possible to sacrifice form for reps in all of these types of workouts. Yes, including CrossFit.
2) All four of these workouts promote physical activity.
3) Options. They all give options. These workouts help trainers and coaches like myself to get the word out that everyone does not have to do the same thing in order to produce results. They fight the boredom stage. Boredom in exercise basically comes out when you do the same thing over and over again without any type of tempo change or change in genre.
4) Piggybacking off options, they are not the only forms of exercise out here nor the only places to exercise.
5) We share this in common: Neither one of us is the answer for every individual's exercise problems. Would a CrossFit athlete come to TEEM? May be. But, they operate solely or mostly on CrossFit values. Would an NFL player go to CrossFit? Probably not because he needs sports conditioning related to football. Would a novice do CrossFit? Yes and probably. But, injury potential could increase. I see novices picking the DVDs.
6) We also share this in common: TEEM, CrossFit, Insanity, P90X, and the 10-minute Workout, and a host of other places do the same exercises at some point. We may not do everything the same but similarities arise. From body weight exercises to tempo changes in reps to the type of exercise, it is all here with room to grow.
Purpose and Development,
Derek Arledge, CSCS TEEM Performance Training
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