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Saturday, March 9, 2013

National Nutrition Month

March is a lot of things:

The end of winter. The beginning of spring. Easter. White Ribbon Day. National Nutrition Month.

National Nutrition Month should sound great to everyone because it is a chance to learn. Learning about nutrition helps individuals push through other food addictions. For example, taste (see "Explore and Experience", Part II - Item Dissection, and February 8, 2010) seems to deter folks from eating certain foods. However, when we look at certain Asian and Mediterranean diets, which are healthy, we see that taste is very present and pleasant. Often times, the additions of excessive salt, sugar, and sauces found in fast food places and some restaurants are not only taste-cheats but nutritional-cheats as well.

I have some brief nutrition advice for you: do not get sucked into the nutrition promotions that are cheap like the ones you see at fast food places. Sure, people say, "Oh, you need to cheat sometimes" No, you do not. It is not a fact that you have to cheat. Of course, another individual can come along and say that it is not a fact that you do not have to cheat. Well, that person is right because the fact turns up in family medical histories, an older chronological age (see Heart Disease Awareness Month), and out of your wallet - it costs billions to take care of bad health...it costs coupons to buy good food at a grocery store.

Purpose and Development,

Derek Arledge, CSCS                     TEEM Performance Training                  www.teempt.com

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