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Friday, November 28, 2014

Stretching: Where's the Swag?

C'mon, be truthful. you do not stretch because...there is very little swag in stretching. Right? No?

There is about as much swag in stretching as there is taste in tofu and cooperation between bi-partisan groups. The good thing is that stretching can help with the following:

1. Alleviates pain.
2. Decreases blood pooling in an area of your muscle. Oh, circulation improvement!
3. Makes you taller.
4. Relaxes you.
5. Helps you to move more smoothly.

Yes, makes you taller. Think about your spine. If you do not stretch, then muscles pull in a certain direction, which creates tightness. When you stretch, your spine gets to have fun bending and flexing. So, your spine gets a chance to help your body adapt to to muscular changes. If it helps even more, think about someone who bench presses often or sits with a hunched posture. They are bound to have tight muscles - the bench presser develops tight pecs, shoulder, etc; the huncher develops tight pecs, neck, shoulders, etc. Who wins? the bench and the sitting chair until they wear out.

Avoiding wear out takes swag:

1. Play some music with a funky beat.
2. Stretch with a partner.
3. Look tough when you are stretching. Really, like you know what you are doing.
4. Walk around like a wrestler in between stretches. It's not scientifically proven, but why wait?
5. Stretch on a bench, tree, fence, wall....again looking like one tough "niece or nephew of an aunt or uncle."
6. Laugh...with your stretch buddy.
7. Stare down your competition....if you are outdoors, then look at other exercisers...if you are indoors, then look at other exercisers.
8. Don't fall over.
9. Don't fall over and stay hurt.
10. Don't fall over, get up, and fall again.

Yo might develop some more swag with stretching with these ten choices. It is just cooler when you look like you know what you are doing while stretching. So, here you go:

Top Chest Stretches for In-home or In-office:
1. Door Stretch
2. "O" Overhead
3. Supine Foam Roll Stretch

Top Hamstring/Hip Flexor Stretches for In-home or In-office:
1. The Greatest Stretch
2. The Greatest Stretch Modified
3. 90-90
Bonus: Toe Touch - old fashion, but it works!

Just a few.

With heart,

Derek Arledge, MS, CSCS         www.teempt.com            TEEM Performance Training

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