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Thursday, March 31, 2022

I Can't Stand These - Part 2...

I didn't think I'd write part until April, but I just witnessed a segment that triggered me.

I can't stand...

"Don't eat this healthy food." What!? Don't eat a healthy food? Why do people say this? I have never heard a dietitian utter these words. You know why? Because dietitians know what they are talking about. Other individuals are already up in arms about not eating on healthy foods. Now, healthy foods are on the "Not Really Healthy List"

Well, that's enough on that topic 💯.

Shadyness as lack of professional integrity. Well, here is what I am referring to: In the beginning of my career, my personal training director and another trainer had a relationship. She gave him a client who purchased a 20-pack of sessions while the rest of us had to scrounge for a 20. Yes, I know that type of mess happens in every profession. Well, some professions face more scrutiny. 

It's frustrating when your director or supervisor shows favoritism to this degree. What does that say about the work environment? 

Doing exercises just cause...just to get a burn. There are orders to exercise 💪that, in my opinion, strength & conditioning specialists follow the best and rightfully so. They care about the muscle group that may fatigue because s&c's know you will reuse the muscle group again and they want to optimize your performance.

Sometimes, other pros in the field do not care about order. They will fatigue a joint and have you work with that fatigued joint through a couple more segments of exercise.


My joint is done. I do not have the force output left. It's done! Resume another day. Done, done...DONE! 👌💯

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

I Cannot Stand These...😝🤯🚨

I might write a part 2.

I have been in this fitness and strength & conditioning field since 2003. So, I have seen and heard a lot of things that I do not like. Let me share them:

"Stop doing this exercise." How about, "No." Are there exercises that produce better results than others when targeting the same muscle group? Of course. I'd rather do lunges in multiple directions than leg extensions because I can still receive a quadriceps burn, my glutes get a workout, my dynamic core control gets a workout. But, I may, at rare times (through soreness, pre-hab, etc), do leg extensions starting at different ranges of motion.

That's only one example.

Not a burpee

"Don't do burpees
." Similar to the above statement, but this topic has received more threats in recent years and tends to hold a more personal view. Two main issues of why individuals, trainers, or coaches do not like burpees:

...They can hurt your wrists during the eccentric phase, that is, returning to the push-up position.

...In the strength & conditioning realm, what is the purpose of them?

To the first...true. But, there are several ways to avoid slamming your wrists on the ground. It's funny how an exercise that people with so much eagerness to show off has taken a tumble. 

You. Do. Not. Have. To. Slam. Your Wrists. Doing Burpees!

You can emphasize the concentric jump phase and walk it down.

You can emphasize the concentric jump phase and return to a modified level like from a chair height, counter height, a wall, or plyo box (hands on). 

You can start the push-up part from a knuckle position or a neutral grip position using dumbbells. So, you would never slam your wrists. 

For the second argument...I get it. Burpees are not in the plan for an elite athlete. But, you know who likes burpees? Young athletes, especially those just starting out. Look, martial arts programs give out burpees; and they're trying to build 🍑-pickers, right? Tom Brady, LeBron, Diana Taurisi, a college swimmer, an Olympian...they're most likely not during burpees. But, "Tony Plake", 12yy, youth basketball, soccer, and track student-athlete does burpees; and he's improving his stamina and learning how to fight through fatigue.

However, plenty of instructors side with the fact that they do not care and have no recollection to whether burpees are appropriate - they simply throw them into a workout. Burpees have a strategy, for they are a dynamic exercise with a plyo part (the jump and don't cheat the jump by jumping shallow), a strength part (the push-up), and a reaction part (the transition from the push-up to the jump and back down - foot placement reacts in burpees).

When Pros Say, "I don't care
." Every sports performance or human performance professional should care about the design and order of a workout. Gym members may not care what the order of a workout includes during a class. They just want to hurt. What is the point in telling them why you are doing a certain set of exercises? Well, it would be nice to educate, but IMO, many individuals do not care if they're educated about their bodies and movement. Just move them!

Talking down about other professionals
. Guess what? Other professionals will say things opposite of your philosophy. So, what! It happens in every profession. If everyone had the same philosophy, order, design, and experience, then what would be the point of education? Harvard is different from Yale. Yale is different from Stanford. Stanford is different Texas. Texas is different from Michigan State. College is different from the workforce and so on. 

My point: We have different experiences and pursuits in our profession, which help make our expertise unique and enables choices and skills.

You/We are not THE way. You/We are A way. 

Alright, that's it for now.

Derek |@teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

Unchartered Waters football🏈💧💪

See the full video clip here

Where are we? Not in a place that we want to be in.

Yes, I am a Patriots fans. I grew up a Washington Redskins, now the Commanders. But, then I moved to Massachusetts for ten years, returning to the DC area a few years ago. Now, what did I learn...well, one thing I learned while living in New England:

The New England Patriots are used to winning Super Bowls and do not settle for mediocrity. 

In fact, a 10-6 season (17-game seasons now) is mediocre even though could get most teams to the playoffs. The Patriots did miss the playoffs at 11-5 one year, but they bounced back and won a few more Super Bowls.

So, here is Patriots owner in the video with an unchartered waters quip. The Pats have been so good that they can be unhappy with no playoff wins in three seasons. For anyone reading 📚,  the Steelers, Packers, Ravens, Browns, Lions, Jaguars, Commanders, Cowboys, and other NFL teams can all comment on playoff woes as of recent. 

Wins? That is the Patriots mantra. Cannot be mad at that. 

Derek |@teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

When Quantity Rules 💮🎰🔟🔠

Pick quality over quantity. You hear it often:

Quality is better than quantity.

Quality is not an act. It is a habit - Aristotle

Quality...is an on-going process of building and sustaining relationships by assessing, anticipating, and fulfilling, stated and/or implied needs. (Winder 1992)

I think we get quality. It can still suffer given demands, access, and circumstances, which is where I think quantity plays a vital role.

My first thought on this subject began with winning. One of the first things that pops in my mind about winning is the bond between quality and quantity. Sometimes quantity saves poor quality. For example, when a team loses, embattled itself in scandals, and has off-season or in-season mishaps, a defining rebound or remedy includes winning, in part a quantifiable trait. However, winning arrives once better quality, attention to even more detail sails in to the scene. 

Everyone loves winning, right? I guess. Well, see other posts on winning.

Quantity, in this case, number of wins, winning streak, number of individuals it takes to win, is married to quality. Both of them share a similar relationship as nutrition and exercising share in human performance - the more good nutrition and good exercise experiences you have, the more your nutrition and exercise decisions improve. 

Quantity as an options protocol, and as long as you can handle more, does not provide too much of an issue. It is versatile, for you can add or choose a strategy of quantity in any circumstance. Just remember that it can agree with quality.

Derek|@teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

The GPA of Gas ⛽ Prices

I know...GPA (Grade Point Average) is reserved for academics. However, both gas prices and GPAs represent currency, to a degree. So, they are written in the same manner.

Gas prices do not need GPAs above a B average. Once we get to pi value ($3.14/gallon), we really start to notice how transportation goes awry. 

I need my gas GPA at remedial level. Permanent academic probation level. "No, you can't play this sport because you don't have the GPA to play" level. At, Ivy League low standards, "Oh you have a 2.50?...You cannot join this group" level.

California stays smart and overachieving without a crisis, year-by-year. I had the pleasure of visiting California last year, and...my goodness! Cali folks, not sure how you all do it. Do you taper your walking, driving, public transportation - though those rates can hike as a result of higher GPA gas prices - bicycling, rollerblading and skateboarding?

See that?...Gas prices affect your workout and have you thinking, "Do I really need to sit in traffic all morning or evening?" Many of us do not have a choice because we cannot commute via bicycle or amputate the mess out of our commute.

But, seriously, underachieving gas prices work well! 🏆 🏆 🏆 

Derek|@teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

National Eats/Food 'n Nutrition Month 🍚 🍔

So many topics that @yourgoalspt and I  mentioned on Performance Pursuit (12noon EST) a few Thursdays ago:

Nutrition &...

  • Fitness 
  • Sleep
  • Pain
  • Money/Budget
  • Entertainment 
  • Work 
  • Travel
  • Timing
  • Intermittent Fasting
  • Breakfast
  • Grocery Shopping

You can group nutrition with a plethora of other topics. Think about how you handle your nutrition:

Do you eat healthy most of the time, sometimes, or at rare times? 

Do people around you eat healthy? 

Do you pack good snacks for the road? I'm a fan of trail mix.

Do you eat wholesome foods that help you recover?...That help with pain relief?...That help with sports performance or every day movement?...That help you achieve a good mood?

I am not a sports nutritionist or dietitian, but the topics and questions make for good conversation and action to follow.

Make necessary adjustments and adopt good eating habits this month. Just do it today. 

Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Goals, Updates, and a Year Worth Living

7 of 10 Seniors
played V2

Social media has mixed reviews: People like it. People hate it. Two fair opinions. OK, I'd say three: people use it for work, so it's meh 😐.

One of my social media goals is gaining a little traction in a one step forward, two steps backward, one step forward, one step forward fashion. Yes, I am trying to reach a larger audience 😆, and it takes work!

February saw a decrease in the number of blog posts, but that is OK. March will enter like a lion on the way to 300+ posts for 2022. Setting goals like this one reminds me to practice patience - I would like to see what 300 looks like for a year, but I can wait. 

There is no need to rush time - easier said then done 😆.

On another goal note, the Bishop O'Connell Varsity 2 ice hockeybteam that I coach lost in the quarterfinals with a 2-3 overtime loss. We scored with 9.7 seconds on a 6-on-4. Hopefully, the boys learned some skills to take with them into their spring sport seasons and into next year's ice hockey season. The team had to learn a lot from our first couple of games, and the playoff game saw them wake up in some aspects. 

On the UMBC side, the Retrievers made the playoffs as well. With the first playoff game this Friday, it will feel good to start the post-season, the first one in about five years - that is, after a two-year hiatus from college hockey, a comeback season, and a Covid season that saw no games. 

Difficult seasons. The hockey season is long and warrants top-notch shape. The typical player may not reach solid conditioning until December. If he or she adds even a little bit of concentrated strength & conditioning throughout the in-season, play can improve. Enter tryouts in shape and expect to have a better season.

...Work on learning the game and improving sport-specific sense and the season improves a bit for the team, especially individual players.

...Work on the mental strength side of the game during the season and watch a player excel.

...Solid overall athleticism should be a goal per student-athlete. So, play other sports as well, peeps. Or, workout. Engage in another sport in addition to the main sport you play for optimal physical and athletic development.

What else combines with athleticism? Growing as a person. Enrich yourselves student-athletes. Don't just go home after school and do schoolwork. Volunteer, act, social club time at school, something.

Well, let's end that for goals and updates. This year has so much ahead of it. People, whether young or adults, must continue to develop and learn.
