I know...GPA (Grade Point Average) is reserved for academics. However, both gas prices and GPAs represent currency, to a degree. So, they are written in the same manner.
Gas prices do not need GPAs above a B average. Once we get to pi value ($3.14/gallon), we really start to notice how transportation goes awry.
I need my gas GPA at remedial level. Permanent academic probation level. "No, you can't play this sport because you don't have the GPA to play" level. At, Ivy League low standards, "Oh you have a 2.50?...You cannot join this group" level.
California stays smart and overachieving without a crisis, year-by-year. I had the pleasure of visiting California last year, and...my goodness! Cali folks, not sure how you all do it. Do you taper your walking, driving, public transportation - though those rates can hike as a result of higher GPA gas prices - bicycling, rollerblading and skateboarding?
See that?...Gas prices affect your workout and have you thinking, "Do I really need to sit in traffic all morning or evening?" Many of us do not have a choice because we cannot commute via bicycle or amputate the mess out of our commute.
But, seriously, underachieving gas prices work well! 🏆 🏆 🏆
Derek|@teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com
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